Eczema Hyperkeratotic

**Hyperkeratolic eczema**, or horny eczema (E. hyperkeroaticum), is a chronic non-infectious skin disease characterized by hyperkeratosis and inflammatory changes in the epidermis. It manifests itself as dry and flaky skin, pain when touched, periodic rash in the form of nodules, blisters or crusts on areas of the skin that are exposed to irritating factors such as water, soap, washcloths, hygiene products, etc. Hyperkeratic eczema can occur in people of any age. age, but is more often observed in adults over 40 years of age, as well as in children and adolescents. The main factor predisposing to the development of the disease is a decrease in the protective properties of the skin barrier. Eczema can be a consequence of genetic predisposition, allergies, dry or allergic eczema, skin infections and other reasons. Diagnosis consists of a clinical examination, which shows symptoms of hyperkeratosis, skin inflammation and the presence of signs of disease. Treatment usually involves the use of eczema medications and corticosteroids, as well as lifestyle changes that include limited exposure to the skin, proper nutrition, and sometimes cosmetic skin care. In severe cases, hyperecstatic eczema may require the use of antibacterial drugs, biotin-containing drugs, vitamin A and other local and systemic agents. Basic methods for preventing hyperkeratotic eczema include using hypoallergenic shampoo, clean sheets and linens, using soaps and detergents without additives or fragrances, maintaining optimal environmental humidity, avoiding contact with allergens and regularly applying cosmetics to the skin. The article has been written. If you have anything else to add, you can do it in the comments, after pointing out the question.