Rock crusher

Stone crushers (lithotriptors) are special medical instruments used to break up and remove stones in the human urinary tract. They are important tools for the treatment of urolithiasis, one of the most common diseases of the urinary system.

The principle of operation of the stone crusher is based on the use of an electrical impulse, which causes the stone to vibrate and collapse into smaller fragments. These fragments can then be removed from the patient's urinary tract using a special catheter.

The use of stone crushers requires highly qualified medical workers and the use of special tools and equipment. At the same time, the stone crushing therapy procedure is an effective measure to relieve symptoms and the risk of complications.

Recent studies have shown that stone crushing therapy may be less traumatic and less painful than surgery. In addition, regular stone crushing procedures can significantly reduce the risk of recurrent urolithiasis.

However, despite the benefits, stone crushing procedures have their own risks and side effects. Patients may experience pain during the procedure, as well as the risk of infection spreading to the urinary tract. In addition, the effectiveness of stone crushing treatment may depend on the size and shape of the stone, as well as the degree of urinary tract dysfunction. In general, stone crushers