Moles in the shape of a bucket

The science that explains the meaning of moles on the human body is called morphoscopy. She is mysterious and little known. The body is viewed as an astrological chart, where moles symbolize the planets. The appearance of a new spot, a change in its color or shape can predict future events. Morphoscopy suggests that the meaning of moles in women is always favorable if they are located on the left side. For men, on the contrary, this is an unlucky sign.


The appearance of moles in an adult

Moles, or nevi, are pigment cells that are located in the epidermis. Newborn babies are already born with spots on their skin. In the first years they may not be noticeable because their color is too pale. They darken with age.

Doctors have been arguing for a long time about why moles appear on the body of an adult. One theory suggests that information about nevi is stored at the DNA level. Therefore, it is impossible to prevent or predict their occurrence.

The second theory states that the formation of nevi is influenced by several factors. The main ones include:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Hormonal changes. They may appear more frequently in adolescents, pregnant women, and during menopause.
  3. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  4. Injury or infection of the skin. Moles may appear on damaged areas.
  5. Internal pathologies. Lack of vitamin K and C, liver and pancreas diseases.

Morphoscopy has its own theory, which explains why moles appear on the body of an adult. It is believed that nevi are permanent signs given from above. They must accompany a person throughout his life. Removing moles is a crime against one's own destiny. The event she warned about could happen in a different scenario and have a negative outcome.

The number of moles on the human body can reach up to 100. Moreover, they can be different in shape, color and diameter. Classification of nevi:

  1. Flat. A large accumulation of melanocytes leads to the appearance of this type. Moles do not change even under the influence of ultraviolet radiation.
  2. Convex. They have both bumpy and smooth bodies and can be covered with hairs. They develop in the deep layers of the skin.
  3. Blue. Rarely found, dense in structure. They are distinguished by a rich blue color.
  4. Red moles. The reasons for its appearance on the body are a large accumulation of vascular cells. They are mounted and smooth.
  5. Pigmented. Usually increase significantly with age.


Marks of fate

Morphoscopy teaches that each side of the body contains different information. For example, the meaning of moles in women on the right side is threatening. While for men, on the contrary, it is favorable.

Birthmarks warn of events that cannot be avoided. They tell you what impact relationships with other people will have on your destiny. For example, red moles on the body, the cause of which are vascular congestions, are associated with Mars. This planet symbolizes aggression and war. This means that the life of the owner of red moles will not be easy. Such marks indicate a loss of strength, vitality and will. The location of the mole will tell a person how to do the right thing and which option to choose.

Light spots are associated with Venus. The meaning of these moles for women is constant help from higher powers and gifts of fortune. But only on condition that they are located on the favorable, left side. If they are on the right, this is a warning that a person is inclined to show his lower instincts.

Brown moles that were on the body at the time of birth belong to Jupiter. Those that appeared later are associated with Mercury. Jupiter is responsible for abundance and luck. Mercury controls learning and intelligence. The marks of this planet located on the unfavorable side do not mean that the person is stupid. Rather, it signals that he is cunning, cunning and hypocritical.

Signs on one side can be completely crossed out by moles on the other. But mirrored spots only strengthen each other’s action. In order to correctly understand what the neoplasm warns of, it is necessary to carefully examine both halves of the body.

Decoding the form

Nevi can form various shapes. The meaning of the shapes of moles is different. The most threatening are clusters in the form of a cross or a spider. This is a warning about difficult trials and hardships. A square of birthmarks is also an unfavorable sign. He says that a person will have to deal with unforeseen circumstances all his life.

Moles in the shape of a triangle or a collection of spots in the shape of an oval located on the favorable side have a lucky meaning. Luck will accompany such a person in everything. This is fate's favorite.

The appearance of an oval or triangle even on the unfavorable side is a lucky sign for a person. This is a kind of “safe conduct letter”. There are cases where people who had similar marks on their bodies found themselves in catastrophic situations several times and remained alive.

Triangle-shaped moles on the face indicate chosenness. Such a person cannot sin; any offense can cause him to fall into the abyss. Such a sign requires its owner to fully mobilize his forces.


The star is the luckiest mark. Its owner will have a successful and easy life, the protection of higher powers and success in any field. Moles in the shape of the sun or moon also have auspicious meaning. Bearers of such signs are distinguished by irrepressible vital energy, positive thinking, sharp mind and ebullient temperament.

A constellation of moles in the form of the Big Dipper is a symbol of victories and great achievements. Such a person will have fame and a high position in society. The owner of this sign will conquer the world without straining at all.

Moles resembling the shape of the constellation Orion indicate that the soul came to Earth from other worlds. Such personalities are very mysterious, often have supernatural powers, but carefully hide it.

Cassiopeia, according to astrologers, is one of the most beautiful constellations. Women who have a similar mark on their bodies are creative and feminine. They easily conquer the men around them without doing anything about it.

In the Middle Ages, all women who had moles on their bodies that resembled constellations in shape were automatically classified as witches. They were tortured and burned at the stake. Therefore, such signs were carefully hidden from prying eyes under clothing.

In occult sciences, the cat is considered a servant of Satan. It is not surprising that in the Middle Ages, one or several moles that resembled this animal in shape could be considered a witch. In fact, cat-shaped birthmarks do not foretell anything bad. This is a sign that a person has an ability for magic, is secretive and talented.

Birthmarks under the eyes

The eyes are the area that is responsible for human creativity. Holders of such marks are usually very talented people. For example, Dostoevsky had a mole under his right eye.

Women with moles under their eyes are usually sensual and kind. At the same time, they have a strong character and are able to sacrifice themselves for the sake of others. Quite often they move forward where most retreat. Such women have charm and sexual magnetism. They are popular with men.


The meaning of a mole under a woman’s right eye is always favorable. Despite the fact that this side is not happy for the fair sex. Such a woman is smart, calculating, knows what she wants and gets it. Her career will always be successful. Difficulties may arise in your personal life, with finding a reliable partner. But if it is found, such a couple will have a happy marriage.

A mole under the left eye does not promise a career boost. Its owner is a flighty person. She will be extremely popular with men, so all her problems will be solved by the stronger sex. If the birthmark is located closer to the nose, this indicates a passionate and selfish nature. And also such a woman is very jealous.

The meaning of a mole above the eyebrows

During the time of the Holy Inquisition, a mole above the right eyebrow could be a death sentence for its owner. Such a mark was considered a symbol of involvement in witchcraft and Satan. And in the 18th century, French court ladies specially glued flies above their eyebrows - this signaled their readiness to enter into a love affair.


The meaning of a mole above a woman’s eyebrow depends on which side the spot is located on. The nevus, which is on the right, indicates that its owner is very self-confident. She knows very well what she wants and always gets it. Serious about choosing a life partner.

A mole above the left eyebrow promises its owner many difficulties in life. Studying and career will not be easy. But such women are distinguished by enormous tenacity and instinct of self-preservation. This will help them overcome all obstacles.

A mole between the eyebrows speaks of selfishness. Such people are unsociable and have a difficult character. Career usually doesn't work out. Relationships with the opposite sex often end in complete disappointment. Most often, such people strive for solitude.

Mole near the navel

The stomach is Virgo's zone of influence. She is responsible for running the house and work. A mole located on a woman’s left side indicates that her profession will give her great pleasure and will become a source of material wealth. And her home will be a place of coziness and a center of comfort. A mole on the right side indicates an aversion to profession and work. The development of severe chronic diseases is possible. As well as long-term care for a bedridden relative.

A mole in the navel in women has a lucky meaning, regardless of which side it is located on. This is a truly divine mark, which means that any dream will be achieved and plans will be realized. All possible obstacles can be easily avoided.

A red mole is a sign of Mars and in most cases carries a negative meaning. But not when it is located in the navel area. In this case, Mars will not take away vital energy, but, on the contrary, fill it with it. There is a high probability that the owner of such a mark will live a long life.

Astrologers say that those with moles near the navel are stunningly beautiful. They are able to quickly conquer men and skillfully manipulate them. They have a quick temper and explosive temperament.

Ear marks

Usually, moles on the ears indicate that a person is boastful and likes to exaggerate his virtues. He prefers not to remember his shortcomings. This situation is associated with low self-esteem and the desire to hide it.

The meaning of a mole on a woman’s ear is often favorable, but largely depends on where the spot is located. A nevus on the earlobe is always associated with money. If the mole is on the left side, this indicates that the woman will gradually accumulate a huge fortune. Owners of this mark are always careful and make only informed decisions.

A mole on the right lobe indicates that the woman will always be near large sums of money. Whether she can become the owner of at least part of this wealth depends only on herself.

Moles on hands

Hands strewn with moles indicate that a person has open energy channels that negatively affect the psyche. Therefore, it can be quite contradictory. Sometimes be too soft or, conversely, create a scandal for no reason.


The meaning of moles on women’s hands depends on where exactly they are located. Marks on the right shoulder indicate poor health, but a strong-willed character. Moles on the opposite side promise a successful marriage and a loving spouse.

Nevi located on the left elbow indicate that the woman will be successful in her career and personal life. Despite their strong-willed nature, these are very gentle and devoted wives. A mole on the right elbow suggests that its owner is selfish. Has a complex character. Such a woman strives for independence and does not like to give in.

The meaning of moles on a woman’s hands is favorable in all cases if they are located on the hands. Regardless of which side the mark is on, its owner is distinguished by good health and strong character. Such a woman will always be well provided for.

Only exceptional people have moles on the palms. They are constantly engaged in self-improvement, always trying to become even better. Many of them have the gift of clairvoyance.

Marks on the neck

The meaning of moles on women’s necks is most often associated with financial well-being. Whether she can achieve it or not will depend only on the character of the lady. Fate provides every opportunity for this.

A birthmark on the neck, regardless of its specific location, indicates that the woman is an optimist. She is always determined to win and full of energy. She does not like to take risks, preferring to achieve her goal slowly but surely.


Women who have moles on their necks find it difficult to decide on a second marriage if the first one ended in divorce. They are faithful wives, wonderful mothers and ideal girlfriends. In the most difficult situations we are always ready to help.

A mole hidden under the hair indicates that its owner is very secretive. It is difficult to gain trust in such a woman. She is shy and does not open up to anyone she meets. If her trust can still be won, she will become a very reliable and loyal friend for life.

Women who love beautiful things and luxury have moles in the center of the neck. They love to be in public and often do charity work. Such women cannot live without numerous fans and the admiring glances of others.

Owners of birthmarks in the central part of the neck are always well provided for. The larger the mark, the more wealth the lady has. Typically, such women are not afraid of losing a partner, since they always have a backup option. Such natures are terrified of old age, so they spend a lot of time and money on caring for themselves. They always get what they want.

Venus sign

A mole that is located near the lips is considered a sign of Venus. He says that the goddess of love left a mark on her lips as a sign of her patronage. The owner of such a birthmark is distinguished by powerful natural magnetism.

Women with moles on their lips can boast of an easy-going character, so they almost never have enemies. Risks are rarely taken, even if they are justified. Despite this, they successfully achieve their goal.

Moles on women's bodies have always attracted the attention of the stronger sex. Men say that these are the most beautiful natural jewelry. And very sexy.

Our own body is the best map of fate, you just need to be able to read it. On the body of every person there is special marks, according to which experts will read his fate like a book. Nature gives some people an abundance of moles, which form a complex pattern, some people have freckles, some people have birthmarks - the most important difference that determines their life.

So what is it? Quirks of physiology and genetics or stains of fate?
Signs have been swirling around moles for centuries. One of the most important ones says: “You cannot get rid of what God has marked you with.” Changing the number or location of birthmarks means trying to change fate.

From an astrological point of view, all formations on the body do not appear by chance. They signal internal tasks or internal problems. Some people try to remove moles, but this means you are turning a blind eye to the problem. The problem itself will not disappear because of this and will emerge at the most unexpected moment.

Moles are warning signs. When analyzing moles, astrologers pay attention to everything: their number, size, shape, but most importantly, their location. Having such information, you can find out the inclinations of a person, the personal qualities that will be characteristic of him when he grows up.

Astrology divides the human body into 12 zones. Each zone is associated with one of the zodiac signs. Each zone is associated with one of the zodiac signs. For example, a person was born under the sign of Gemini, but has moles in the Sagittarius zone. This means that Sagittarius will play an important role in his life, and which one will be deciphered by specialist astrologers.

Abundance of moles on the face (more than thirty - forty, provided that they are all approximately the same size) - the first sign of serious trouble in a person’s karma. If there are few moles, then you need to pay attention to their location.
On the forehead (right) - point to the mind left - irresponsibility.
Brows - long happy marriage.
On the cheeks and under the eyes - speaks of tenderness and kindness.
Above a woman's upper lip (on the right side) always talks about the treachery and cruelty of her mistress, which allows them to make a good career and achieve success.
On the nose - great luck in life.
Marks on the left hand - to success,
on the right - to financial difficulties.
On the back - a sign of sincerity and generosity.
Moles in the pelvic area - healthy children.
On the hips – ability to love, happy marriage, health.
On the right foot – love of travel,
on the left - mind.

The word “mole” comes from the concept of “genus” (heredity). Very often, moles on parents and children are located in the same places. Each mole carries hereditary information. It is believed that the more moles on a person’s body, the more ancient the family, the more information from the past is available to him. If problems have accumulated in the family, for example, someone was a murderer, then his descendants will have a sign of murder in the form of a birthmark, like a kind of “Cain’s mark.” If your ancestors did good throughout their lives, they absorbed moles like sponges and you can take advantage of this goodness. Luck does not turn away from such people; they succeed in everything. In this case, moles act as a kind of magnet for happiness.

Determining what kind of inheritance your moles left you is quite simple. It is enough to determine on which side they are located. A person has a happy and unhappy side. U men happy side right, y women - left (vice versa for left-handed people). If the mole is on the lucky side, it means that the person has been given a special task, for which he has been allocated special abilities. If it is unlucky, this is an indicator of a problem. A mole that stands out strongly or rises above the skin on the lucky side is a very favorable sign.

Man is a microcosm. All processes in his body correspond to the processes of the Universe. Ebbs and flows, eclipses and full moons, all cosmic rhythms are reflected in a person, as in a mirror. Even moles on the body are scattered like stars in the sky. And if they form special shapes on the body, these combinations have a certain meaning. However, each person has their own map of the starry sky. One of the best signs on the body - constellation Ursa Major (dipper). This is a sign of a great mission, travel. Such a person is always accompanied by a guardian angel who protects him from danger.

The main thing is to love ourselves as we are. To enjoy every day, every new person that appears in our lives: brunette or blond, with or without moles, red-haired or freckled. Then fate will smile at us more often and pamper us with unexpected and pleasant gifts.


Secret ciphergrams of soul and flesh.

It has long been known that the human soul is a guest and wanderer in the earthly world. She comes into this world from a great mystery, lives on earth among mysteries, and goes into a great mystery.
In all centuries, people have tried to look into that unknown, dear to us and eternal, but now for some reason completely forgotten by us. Or rather, something forbidden by someone, sealed for memory. But again and again we try to penetrate these sealed secrets and remember what we once knew well, but now we still can’t remember...
They say that there is nothing random on the human body.
The shape of the eyes, ears, nails, head, figure, hair color, eye color, every mole, human blood type, etc., etc. - everything carries mysterious information about a given person. Just like the date and place of his birth, as well as his first name, patronymic, last name, his hobbies, passions, inclinations and other similar information helps a knowledgeable specialist create a very accurate portrait of any of us - without ever seeing us or anything before without knowing this about us.
And for another professional of the secret sciences, it is enough to simply see our photograph or have some minimum of standard information in order to begin to gain insight into certain mysteries and secrets of our soul, our life, our health...
However, all these secrets will concern, as a rule, our current earthly life: our earthly flesh and earthly soul.
Our earthly flesh is this clay Pinocchio, molded by the unkind Pope Carlo, the prince of this world. Through the mortal flesh he has molded, this insidious molder tempts our immortal soul, which he wants to mold in his own image and likeness. He wants to make of us (who in fact are not his children at all, but the children of good Heavenly Parents) his faithful zombified servants, evil and insidious, molded in the image and likeness of our remodeler, the prince of this world. Servants not only earthly, but also cosmic.
However, we, naive and stupid, blithely try to penetrate the secrets of eternity and space, confusing them and almost not distinguishing the incompatibility of these two huge and hostile universes.
Of course, for everyone trying to learn this kind of secrets here on earth, there is a very great danger of encountering all kinds of swindlers who call themselves experts in these secrets.
These “professionals” make a good business selling cosmic secrets mixed and confused with all sorts of fakes. They also organize all sorts of tricky courses for those who want to penetrate the mysterious, forbidden and simply spiritually deadly for people - the world of space. First of all, lower space, where predatory and insidious humanoids rule the roost - the creators and owners of mysterious flying saucers.
In addition to material damage from communicating with sellers of all kinds of cosmic secrets, there are dangers for a person’s mental health.
And also the danger of becoming a zombified transmitter of information from some insidious cosmic spirit. Information veiled as wise and mysterious, but in fact cunning, tempting and far from safe for the spiritual health of both an individual and all humanity. And not only for their present, but also for their future. The future is not only earthly, but also after the departure of souls from this world. Etc.
In general, in such matters and spiritual searches, caution, vigilance and caution are needed.

There is a mysterious destiny in the constellation Ursa Minor...

And now, after this preface, I will tell you about some details of my personal experience, and later about the experience of people close to me, in learning some of these secrets.
Of course, at first it was the knowledge of cosmic secrets.
Back in 1992, I attended clairvoyance courses in Kyiv. During one of the lessons, the teacher enthusiastically talked about the fact that many of us came to earth from different worlds, from different star systems.
I have always been very interested in such conversations. On my left hand, above the wrist, a couple of years before, I discovered seven moles arranged in the shape of the Ursa Minor bucket. Often I showed this mysterious sign to my interlocutors, challenging them to talk about this kind of cosmic secrets.
During a break between classes, I approached the course teacher and showed her this mysterious sign of mine. I wanted to call her for a frank conversation and get some additional information on a topic that interests me.
The teacher glanced at my moles and agreed that they were very reminiscent of the Ursa Minor dipper. She stated rather coldly that she herself came from the constellation Cygnus and for some reason did not continue the conversation on her favorite topic.
Perhaps she considered herself a cosmic aristocrat and did not want to talk about high matters with some cosmic plebeian.
I must say that while I attached great importance to this cosmic passport of mine, the moles depicted the Little Dipper. When all this stopped seriously bothering me and I remembered about them a year or two later, I discovered that the moles had noticeably moved from their orbits and no longer resembled the former bucket of the Little Dipper.
Indeed, truly: according to our faith, let it be done to us.
But this very spiritual law (according to our faith, be it done to us), revealed to humanity by Christ, must be treated with all responsibility. For by his faith a person can not only ascend to spiritual heights, but also fall into the underworld...
However, on the other hand, I think that these moles of mine still testified to my real experience of my cosmic wanderings in the constellation Ursa Minor. Wanderings in search of your true, eternal Homeland.
I am sure that every soul now living on earth has had such wanderings, or rather wanderings. For the soul of an ordinary earth-born (that is, not belonging to the category of those who came “from above” or “from below”) such cosmic wanderings between two earthly incarnations can take from several decades, in earthly time, to enormous millennia.
For a long time I was sure that this was an experience of sad delusions and suffering, and not spiritual discoveries. After all, our true Motherland cannot be in space, in the black hellish sphere.
But it turned out that here, too, not everything is as simple as it seemed to me before.
I recently learned that in the constellation Ursa Minor there is one of the twelve portions of the Mother of God. It is quite possible that there is some kind of entrance or transition into the divine world, where this most mysterious destiny of our Heavenly Mother is directly located.
Of course, much remains for me here, as before, mysterious and incomprehensible, but some moments of the past from my present life are beginning to acquire some additional spiritual meaning. Something very important is now becoming clearer in my current human mission.
I'll try to explain what I mean.

Mother's Confession and the Highest Veil.

In my first two books, published in the second half of the 1990s in Ukraine and Russia, I already told this story. I'll tell it again now.
At the beginning of July 1977, I came to my mother to inform her about the birth of my wife Leah and me, our first son, Edik.
It was a quiet summer evening. My mother and I were sitting on the fifth floor balcony of her city apartment, and my mother suddenly confessed to me:
“- Forgive me, son, it’s a thing of the past! I confess to you: I didn’t want to give birth to you, but... We didn’t have a good relationship with your father and I decided to go to a grandmother from a neighboring village who knew how to perform abortions.
And then the night before I went to see this grandmother, I had a vision. Whether in a dream or in reality, to be honest, I didn’t understand. I see an amazingly beautiful and unusual woman, from whom an unearthly grace breathed upon me. I was still a little believer then, but then I immediately realized that this was the Mother of God.
She looks at me so sternly and says, pointing at another woman (and I know, for some reason, that this woman has already done “what” I want to do): “Don’t do what this woman did! – and, after a pause, she added even more sternly. “Make sure you don’t do what this woman did!”
And, looking sternly at me, she left.
And even though I was essentially an atheist back then, I understood: since the Mother of God stood up for him, it means we had to leave this child. This means that She will guide him through this life and will help him. That's how you were born into this world, although you shouldn't have been born.
This story deeply struck me then and left an indelible impression on my soul, which was an atheist at that time.
I noticed long ago that “someone” invisible helps me in this life. And not only helps, but preserves and protects.
In December 1954 (at the age of two years and four months) I fell ill with polio. In one light blanket, half paralyzed (the entire right side of my body was paralyzed) and half alive, my anguished mother brought me to the Krasnodar regional hospital.
The doctors said that if I survived, it would be a miracle. And a miracle happened. But not in an instant. For six long months (and not two months, as I wrote for some reason in my first book), doctors fought for my life. My mother got a job as a cleaner at the hospital, and was nearby all this time.
Then I again learned to hold my head up, then sit, stand, walk, limping on my right leg, which was half-decreased after paralysis. Later, I more than once met peers and people of different ages in general in a wheelchair, with arms and legs disfigured by polio. I knew that I could be in this position myself.
I drowned three times as a child, but every time I was saved. One day, a stone thrown by a peer pierced my head a centimeter above my temple. Another time, I slipped and fell almost under the wheels of a furiously racing Volga, but “by some” miracle it was still able to get around me. There were other situations when only a miracle saved me from death.
But for a long time I persisted in atheism, not believing in God and miracles, firmly convinced that I live on this earth by pure chance, and any blind chance could suddenly interrupt my life.
I came to faith in God gradually, having already begun to engage in spiritual healing in the late 80s and early 90s. The path to the true God was difficult and winding for me.

A mystical dream about the secret of an earthly mission.

On the night of December 13, 1993, from Sunday to Monday, my wife Leah had a mysterious dream, which we both perceived as prophetic. In the morning, my wife told it to me, and I wrote down a summary of the dream in my diary. True, not immediately, but only two days later, on Wednesday evening.
Then I forgot about it for a long time and remembered only recently, when I found this notebook of my old diary. Flipping through it and reading half-forgotten entries, I read this:
“On Monday morning on the 13th, Leah told me her nightly dream-vision. We walk with her, holding hands, as small children (I am 5-6 years old, and she is 2-3 years old). It’s as if I’m taking her to my home, so joyful.
They walked for a long time. They climbed a high hill and saw the Mother of God standing there.
I joyfully ran up to Her. The Mother of God took me in her arms and said: “He has come!” I've been waiting for you for so long. »
She pressed herself close.
She stroked Leah on the head and pushed her lightly:
“Go home, you live not far from here...”
Leah walked towards the many lights of residential buildings, either a city or a large village, burning below in the twilight.
By the way, it was light and sunny on the hill at that time.
He walks and thinks in confusion: “Where is my home?” »
And the Mother of God mentally says to her:
“Pray and you will find out”...
Leah prayed (for some reason I didn’t ask then who she prayed to), and they mentally told her where to go.
But Leah is offended that she was not left with us on the hill, but was sent home.
She looks around resentfully and is immediately deeply comforted by the affectionate gaze of the Mother of God, who looks after her with great love. And at the same time he strokes my head.
And through Her fingers, first a light, and then an increasingly bright radiance breaks through from my head.”
This radiance did not become a temptation for my wife and me.
We realized that we are talking about what lies ahead for me in the future in this life, no doubt a very difficult and equally responsible calling-service, which sooner or later every soul will face.
In principle, as our true and eternal Mother, our Heavenly Mother waits with love and trembling for every lost soul to return to herself.
To every child who returns to her after thousands of years of wandering, She longs to say with incomparable love: “I have been waiting for you for so long. »
But why didn’t She tell this to my wife, who even then sincerely loved the Mother of God?
Moreover, at that time we had already been engaged in spiritual healing for several years. And my wife is also clairvoyant. Helped people in solving their various everyday problems. And also in their healings, spiritual and physical. They helped, without fail and always relying on the help of the Mother of God. And people were advised to always turn to Her for help.
They told people about the special mission of the Mother of God, the apocalyptic Woman Clothed in the Sun, in these last times of the current civilization. About the great and decisive role of the Mother of God in the salvation of every soul living on earth.
For only She, Mother Wisdom of God, knows how to lead every earthly soul among the insidious traps of this world, which the prince of this world cunningly and craftily sets for every soul.
And only She knows which way to lead every soul on earth and after its departure from this world, so as not to fall into cosmic traps for a lost and enchanted soul and not get stuck for a long time on dead planets, in captivity of evil humanoids...
Only the loving and kind Mother Wisdom of God knows how to lead every soul to Christ and the Heavenly Father, to our eternal and beautiful Father’s House.
I realized then that I had to combine spiritual healing with literary creativity and write books in order to be able to help more people gain insight.
And in the second half of the 90s, I wrote and published 13 books on the topics of spiritual healing in publishing houses in Russia and Ukraine. 10 of them are small format.
And then my wife got sick, and we left spiritual healing, and I no longer wrote books on these topics.
It was a definite, albeit very important period in our lives.
It ended with the departure of my beloved Liya Kirillovna from this world on August 17, 2007.
She returned Home, to the eternal world, to prepare for her new earthly mission, which would take place at a higher spiritual level.

The soul will come here again with a new mission.

Which of us remains in this world, and who and when to leave it is decided by the great and mysterious Mother's hypostasis - the Wisdom of God.
My wife Leah left this world and went home to go through “there” some mysterious stages of further spiritual maturation of her soul. In order to better prepare for our new earthly mission, at a new spiritual stage, which we began to enter together with the brotherhood of the Great Church of Love in the last two years of her illness.
My wife was then not ready for such a very steep spiritual transition. Saving her from temptations and crosses that were beyond her at that time, the Wisdom of God took my Leah Kirillovna from this world.
I know that after some rest, analysis of the life lived, insights and appropriate preparation, the soul of my ex-wife will be ready to come again to the earthly world to fulfill its new earthly mission. Now on a higher spiritual level.
But when and where her new arrival on earth will take place, I do not yet know. Apparently, then true service will begin for her soul under the special protection of the Heavenly Mother, the Wisdom of God.
And only when Leah’s soul is ready for its true service to the last faithful (and not just a believer!) soul, only then will she be able to hear these cherished Mother’s words, spoken with incomparable kindness and great love: “I have been waiting for you for so long, beloved daughter My. »
And then her soul will begin to acquire those generous spiritual gifts, outwardly expressed in that December dream-vision, like a bright radiance emanating from my head under the hand of the Mother of God.
For it is the great and incomparable Mother Wisdom of God who gives her, until the last, faithful children a variety of gifts, as they strengthen in the great thirst for spiritual insight, catharsis, healing and transformation.
It must be said frankly that modern Adamic humanity in its current enchanted and bewitched state, unfortunately, is not ready, for the most part, for the profound insight and spiritual transformation that awaits it in the coming years and decades.
In order for at least the souls most ripe for this to begin to see the light, the Great Church of Love, heavenly and earthly, has been waging a great round-the-clock battle with the prince of this world and humanoids for more than one year.
In addition, more and more souls are coming to earth with an immaculate mark on their foreheads. Having received our blessing from the earth, they successfully bypass Lucifer’s “customs” and enter the earth through immaculate entrances. Therefore, the prince of this world no longer has power over these souls.
Now there are only a few of us, more precisely, several hundred, scattered in units across different cities, villages and villages in different countries of the world. And in the twenties there will already be millions...
However, this requires a separate and very detailed conversation. For this is a topic of enormous relevance.
And at the end of this chapter, I will remind readers of the great mystery expressed in the 81st Psalm of the Old Testament Psalter in such mysterious words:
“I said: you are gods, but you will die like men...”
But this will already become the topic of one of the next cycles.