Rossa Index

Rossa Index

In the 19th century there was such an outstanding Russian and French scientist in the field of parasitology, writer and philosopher *–* ***Ross Index*** (Ross, R., *English* parasitologist). People first started talking about him in 1846, when his work “Etudes of Parasitology” was published, and at the age of 17 he published his first scientific work entitled “Biological Research on a Fungus Causing Disease in Sheep.”

***As for his personality, he was a passionate man of his time and known for his bold approach to science.* **He was not afraid to speak his mind, even if it was not generally accepted at the time**.

However, despite all his achievements, his life was very short - he died at the age of 75, but his legacy remains over time as a shining example of what a scientist should be. In his works and book "Biology