Rotberger Wednesday

Rothberger environment: history of creation and application

Rothberger medium is a nutrient medium used in bacteriology for growing aerobic microorganisms. It was developed by the German bacteriologist S.J. Rothberger in the early 20th century and became widely used in microbiology due to its versatility and simplicity.

S.Y. Rothberger was born in 1871 and was educated in medicine and bacteriology. He worked in the laboratory of Robert Koch, where he studied pathogenic bacteria that cause various infectious diseases such as tuberculosis and cholera.

In his research, Rothberger encountered the problem that some microorganisms could not be grown on traditional nutrient media. He began looking for new methods of growing bacteria and in 1901 developed his own nutrient medium, named after him - Rothberger's medium.

Rothberger's medium consists of a mixture of peptone, glucose, agar and other additives that provide optimal conditions for the growth of aerobic microorganisms. It quickly became popular among bacteriologists and is still used today for growing a wide range of microorganisms.

One of the best-known uses of Rothberger's media is the cultivation of the bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli), which is a model organism for molecular biology research. Also, with the help of Rothberger's medium, other microorganisms are studied, including pathogenic bacteria that cause various diseases.

In conclusion, Rothberger medium is an important tool in bacteriology, which allows the cultivation of a wide range of microorganisms and research in the fields of molecular biology and medicine. Without this nutrient medium, many discoveries in the field of microbiology would be impossible.

All people who have ever encountered medicine have seen a white coat. This is an attribute that is immediately associated with someone who is highly educated. By tradition, this robe is snow-white, and if you have practice, it is brand new. How did it happen that the white color became a symbol of sterility, health and purity?

The name "Rotanger Environment" was given in honor of its creator. Joseph Rothberger was a German microbiologist born in Hanover on July 19, 1842. In 1865 he graduated from the University of Göttingen, becoming then the youngest professor of medicine at the university.

Five years later, he began speaking at European conferences as a leading researcher of media for bacteriological research. During his life he conducted numerous experiments demonstrating the effectiveness of media that constituted the most important part of the microbiology collection. He has explored many environments. Many of them now bear his name. Today, this is the name given to media for studying staphylococci, streptococci and other opportunistic microorganisms.

The article “Rotberger Wednesday” was written as part of the “Lecturer Knows” project that took place in 2023, similar to a project carried out in Russia. The participants of the project, according to the plan of the organizers, received topics and conditions for conducting a lesson on the subject “Fundamentals of Pathology” for the thirtieth week of training. During this time, I had to write a large essay (three pages of A4 text). The work had to be problematic. The project itself consisted of three parts: text, checking answers to assignments and presentation of the project to the public.