Rothberger's Nutrient Medium

**Rothberg Nutrient Medium (ROM)** ​​was developed in 1934 by Martin Albert Rothberger, a famous biochemist and microbiologist from Switzerland. PSR is a medium for the cultivation of microbes that are used in various fields of biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, genetics, as well as in the food industry and medicine.

PSR consists of a rich nutrient medium containing all the necessary components for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, and also contains special additives that improve conditions for the growth of certain crops. This system allows the cultivation of microorganisms of almost any type, including difficult-to-oxidize and arid organisms.

One of the features of PSR that makes it unique is its high resistance to pollution, which allows it to grow and develop even with a high concentration of foreign impurities. Due to this stability, PSR is widely used in pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food and other industries.

Overall, Rothberg's culture medium plays an important role in the study of microbes and their properties. It provides scientists and researchers with unique opportunities to study new types of microorganisms, their evolution, structure and metabolism. In addition, the development and improvement of PSR can lead to new discoveries in the field of biology and medicine.