
It is well known that one of the most effective and fastest-acting methods for solving the problem of infertility is the introduction of gonadotropic hormones into the human body. Corporations and pharmaceutical companies around the world are successfully solving this problem. One of the oldest and most famous drugs from the group of gonadotropins is Gonadotrypsin. It is used for both men and women. For men, it serves as a remedy for the congenital cause of developmental disorders of the genital organs (cryptorchiasis), and for women, it is one of the drugs for stimulating ovulation in the treatment of infertility. The active ingredient in Gonadotropins is choriogonic gonadotropin (hCG).

Doctors advise treatment to be carried out comprehensively: along with gonadotropic hormones, antibacterial therapy is prescribed. It has been proven that effective treatment is only possible when the infection has already been suppressed. Treatment begins only after the patient receives the results of the necessary examination. But the first step is always to establish a diagnosis.

Of all the varieties of Gonadotropin drugs, one of the most effective is Pregnil. Every experienced gynecologist is familiar with the drug and is ready to use this particular one.