Route of Infection Transmission: Water

Water transmission of infection is one of the most common methods of transmission of various diseases in the aquatic environment. This route of transmission is possible when a source of water containing pathogens of infectious diseases is contaminated. In order for a person to become infected, in this case it is necessary to drink contaminated water or get caught in the rain while passing contaminated water.

It should be said

The water transmission route (A.P.I.) is one of the methods of transmission of infectious diseases. This route of transmission is typical for intestinal infections, which can be transmitted through contaminated water.

How does infection spread through water? Infectious disease agents, such as viruses or bacteria, can be present in water, especially in stagnant or slow-flowing water. A person drinking water can become infected if the water contains infectious agents.

An example of such an infection is cholera. Cholera is an acute intestinal infection caused by the bacterium Vibrio cholerae. Transmission of cholera requires contact with contaminated water. Cholera bacteria enter water through the feces of sick people or animals, as well as through soil and other sources.

To prevent infection with infectious diseases associated with water transmission, it is necessary to comply with hygiene and safety rules when using water. For example, drink only bottled water or boil water before drinking. It is also important to monitor the quality of the water you use for drinking and cooking.