Spina Bifida Anterior

Spina bifidac (spin bifa aniform), the most common and today very successfully treatable anomaly of the neural tube, in most cases occurs as an addition to anorectal or neuromuscular anomalies, in which there are defects in the development of the anterior part of the brain and/or spinal cord, disorders of the anal foramen and sacral spine. Spina bifia anteriora (shape - “dog mouth”, sometimes called prefaxial spin bifia, posterior unclosed ura). Signs of the disease: low forehead, convex wide nose, wide mouth with a reduced chin, widely spaced eyelids, micrognathia (short lower jaw); large eyeballs are inserted into the orbit, non-fusion of all segments of the choroid is observed, the zygomatic and superficial temporal muscles are either not developed or are represented by greatly shortened cords.