Roseola Syphilitica

Pink spots appear more often on the torso and limbs and in the form of small white dots on the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals. Later, a rash joins them, the pink spots increase in size, then begin to become yellow spots with a white center. But the base remains white, and the spot after recovery will also remain white. These spots may go away on their own. The rash does not go away on its own and is usually a signal of an acute infection.

Roseolla syphilitix is ​​an infectious disease characterized by the appearance of characteristic pink spots on the skin and a temperature of 39 ° C or higher.

Symptoms Syphilis manifests itself as rashes on the body. They may be accompanied by elevated temperature - up to 38 degrees. Ulcers appear on the mucous membranes of the mouth, genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract. The pathogen can become chronic or provoke a rash throughout the body, then the risk of complications increases. Symptoms of syphilis in men: Uncharacteristic rash on the neck, body or back (lower back, buttocks, palms). Bone pain. Headache. Pink raised spots with bubbles of liquid inside. Increase in body temperature to critical levels. Nausea. Increased fatigue. Signs of an infection in the mouth are the appearance of a characteristic plaque that differs from the white color left by staphylococcus bacteria. Lesions of the oral mucosa are extremely unpleasant and painful, but almost never affect healthy areas. In women, the clinical picture of the disease is very pronounced. The infection resembles conjunctivitis. A large number of rashes are complemented by inflammation of the uterine mucosa. Characteristic “dots” appear on the labia and lower abdomen. Inflammation of the genital organs is accompanied by bloody discharge with a rotten odor. As inflammation spreads, the mucous membrane of the genital organs and oral cavity becomes ulcerated. The wounds are covered with a thin crust. Inflammation of the labia leads to complications including necrosis of the organ. Then the likelihood of infecting a person with an infection increases sharply. The danger of the disease is due to damage to internal organs. If you consult a doctor in a timely manner, it is possible to cure the infection quickly and with minimal risk to health and life. The success of therapy depends on the adequacy of the prescribed treatment and the patient’s compliance with medical recommendations. A visit to a specialist is required!