
Cicatrical is a term that describes a condition involving the formation of scars on the skin or other tissues. This condition can occur as a result of various factors such as injury, burns, infection or disease.

One of the most common types of scar condition is cicatricial alopecia. This condition is characterized by scarring on the scalp, leading to hair loss. Scarring alopecia differs from non-scarring alopecia (see Alopecia), which is associated with impaired hair growth and is not accompanied by the formation of scars on the skin.

Scarring alopecia can be caused by a variety of causes, including autoimmune diseases, infections, trauma and chemical exposure. This condition can result in complete or partial loss of hair on the scalp and can be very difficult to treat.

Treatment for scarring alopecia usually involves the use of medications that can help slow the scarring process and improve blood circulation in the affected area. In addition, medications may be prescribed to stimulate hair growth and reduce inflammation.

Although scarring alopecia is a serious condition, there are a number of treatments that can help improve the condition of the scalp and stimulate hair growth. It is important to consult a specialist to get the correct diagnosis and choose the most effective treatment method depending on the cause and severity of the condition.

Scar is a medical term used to describe various diseases, conditions and injuries that involve the formation of scar tissue. Scars can appear after surgery, burns, skin trauma, chemical or thermal burns, acne and many other reasons.

Cicatricial disease is

Cicatricial, also known as cicatricial, is a syndrome accompanied by the appearance of scars that can manifest itself in various diseases. Is it caused by injury to the skin and its lining or inflammation? Most likely, the cause was an infection. Such a scar has a dense texture, and its shape has already been formed - there is no new growth emerging. Depending on the state of the body and the area of ​​inflammation, the color of the skin can also be different. The causes of scarring can be either severe burns, when the skin, along with part of the skin above this place, peels off, or a light single bite. Usually this syndrome can be seen anywhere: on the head, sternum, back