Rubella Korevaya

Coronavirus disease: spread and symptoms.

Today, COVID-19 or the so-called coronavirus pneumonia is not a fully known disease, as it has not been sufficiently studied, but we know about its symptoms and the need to follow certain rules in order to recover as quickly as possible and prevent infecting other people. In the middle of last year, all hospitals were equipped with protective equipment. And although the infection is viral in nature, it can also be transmitted by humans. Therefore, do not forget about quarantine, personal hygiene and, most importantly, wear a mask that will protect you from infection and spread of coronavirus. Don't forget about your safety and take care of your health! The spread of the disease across China has reached epidemic levels, with 82% infected, causing concern among medical workers. All infected countries speak of one epidemic. Additionally, the COVID-19 outbreak continues mainly in China. If the outbreak had occurred in any other country, it could have affected half the world, and it would have been a global epidemic. Note that not only people can get sick from this type of virus. Most often, animals become infected from pigs, less often from other animals. They do not have an elevated body temperature, so it is difficult to detect the disease. The insidiousness of this pathology lies in the fact that it complicates the course of chronic diseases of various natures. The following symptoms are observed: loss of smell; weakness; intoxication, lack of appetite, malaise; general fatigue. Vaccination helps to fight coronavirus - this is how lasting immunity is formed, thereby preventing loss of taste and smell. Cough and runny nose are common. Sometimes there are cramps and increased sweating.