Stylomandibular ligament

Ligament of the stylomandibular joint (Bone and Gland) The stylomandibular joint is a paired anatomical organ, formed from 2 cartilaginous plates connecting the lower jaw with the vomer, located on the medial surface in the pterygomandibular space. The deep cervical lymph nodes pass through the retrovomeric space.

The disease is manifested by inflammation of the joint during the formation of a tumor, occurs acutely, and becomes significantly more complicated with a systematic weakening of the immune system, intoxication due to severe infection, or poisoning. The brain larva covers the lower jaw, the stylohyoid joint anteriorly and posteriorly. Osteomyelitis develops in the lower jaw, i.e. infectious inflammation of the alveolar process. When a bruise or blue discoloration occurs, inflammation occurs, symptoms of intoxication are headache, fever, weakness. Subsequently, periostitis or osteomyelitis may develop.