Rubella (Rubeola) -See. Measles. Rubella Measles (Rubella)

Rubella measles (rubella)

Rubella measles (rubella, rubella) is an acute infectious disease caused by the rubella virus from the togavirus group. It is characterized by moderate fever, enlarged occipital, posterior cervical and submandibular lymph nodes, and rash.

The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. The source of infection is patients with rubella. The rubella virus is found in the blood and is excreted in nasopharyngeal secretions.

Rubella is dangerous for pregnant women due to the possibility of developing congenital malformations of the fetus.

Diagnosis is based on clinical, epidemiological data and laboratory results.

Treatment is symptomatic. There is currently no specific prevention of rubella. Vaccination is being carried out.