Rug Skates

Rug Skates: How to Organize Skating at Home

When it's frosty outside and snow covers the ground, many people love to skate. But what to do if you can’t get out to the skating rink or the weather doesn’t allow you to go outside? The solution is simple: you can organize ice skating at home using a regular mat.

We offer you an easy way to create skates from a rug and have fun with your child. To do this, you will need pieces of a rug measuring approximately 15x15 cm or two pieces of soft fabric. Place them face down on a smooth wood or linoleum floor. Turn on your favorite music and enjoy skating at home.

Ice skating at home is very useful for developing leg muscles. This is a great way to strengthen your legs and improve coordination. That being said, skating at home can be a safe and fun activity that will make your child feel like a home skating champion.

To start skating at home, inspire your child and show him how to move his arms to the beat of the music and glide around the room. Let your child try to roll backwards and make figure eights. However, do not forget to monitor him so that everything is in order.

After all, ice skating at home can be a great way to spend time with family and friends. You can organize a small competitive tournament or just enjoy riding together. Most importantly, don’t forget about safety and don’t forget to turn on your favorite music.