Runes for facial wrinkles

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Runes for youth and beauty, rejuvenation of the body, skin, body.

Northumbrian runes
Eoh - eternal life
Bjork - eternal youth
Doug is in the prime of his strength, health and beauty

“This Russian Federation gives me eternal life and eternal youth in the prime of life, health and beauty.”

Feta (rejuvenation)
author Nooma
Хв (Slavic initial letter, not specified) - returns youth and beauty to the object
Soulo - youth and beauty (duplicate Xv)
Raido - returns (duplicate Xv)
which the subject had at such and such an age
Turisaz - and destroys the aging process of appearance and the body as a whole
Yera - constantly

“This Russian Federation makes me young and beautiful” (for young people) or “This Russian Federation makes me as young and beautiful as when I was so many years old” (for older ones).

You can apply it to the body, to a cucumber, to cream, to make a talisman.
There is an effect, the appearance really becomes younger and more beautiful.
Unfortunately, it is cleared of negativity by purges, since it blocks aging (which is perceived by them as closing roads or something similar). But perhaps this is my isolated case, since lately I have been cleaning myself a lot from everything.

Eternal youth

. This is what eternal youth is like.
Everything is banally simple, Perthro rebirth, Hagalaz cleansing, Berkano growth, development, Ehwaz process engine.
This is a palindrome, I use this principle very often in my work, it works like a clock.
palindromes work in all directions from top to bottom from left to right, as well as diagonally

Apply on a photo or on a tube of cream or simply on a piece of paper with data, I always stipulate “... until the result”

"Eternal Youth" author OZZ

Apply on a photo or on a tube of cream or simply on a piece of paper with data, I always stipulate “... until the result”

Based on practical experience in using Polyndrome Vech Mol orig. I advise you to use it no more than 5-7 days a month... you can specify the specific effect on certain areas of the body... the improved one is more predictable and its effect is less extreme.

The new eternal youth can be worn all the time. and not be afraid to look extremely younger)))).
Hagalases - cleansing from obsolete self
Perth- degeneration of the internal body
Berkana– growth of new cells, flexibility, elasticity
Evazy — process engine.

Tours- clear purpose of action, direction in the right direction
Hagalases - cleansing from obsolete self
Perth- degeneration of the internal body
Berkana– growth of new cells, flexibility, elasticity
Evazy — process engine.
Kano- obtaining health, radiance, attractiveness...
What's the best way to make a talisman on an apple tree?
It’s better to use the second option in ligature and specify it correctly. so that the action is clearly directed. the choice is more radical, then the first, gently and without stress, then the second..

Starting the change process
Purification, Revival
Up to 25 years of age
With a slender body and smooth skin
Aging programs are destroyed
Cleanses the body and consciousness
Attractiveness is reborn
Sexuality, flexibility, youth!

"Venus" for rejuvenation
author Velia

Eihwaz (1) – tightens and gives blood flow to the muscles;
Eihwaz (2) – activates the work and elasticity of connective tissues;
Eihwaz (3) – restores skin turgor;
Laguz lane mirror – removal from the old state of the body. Both in physics and psychosomatics;
Laguz – removal of what prevents the body from reaching a new state specified in the task;
Thurisaz mirror – elimination of fears and past conditions of the operator;
Thurisaz – prohibition of the operator returning to the old state of the body;
Nauthiz mirror – consciously forcing the body to change;
Nauthiz – the body’s need for change;
Ingwaz – the gift of rebirth on the physical plane;
Kenaz – internal change at the psychosomatic level;
Sol (ex.) – gives energy to the stave;
Madr (ex.) – regeneration and restoration.

Quote: Such a small but effective enhancer for the cream that we use for the face against wrinkles.

I used a picture from the company of my favorite cream, which I applied to.

I will not say that using this stav, you will not need Botox or it will replace any plastic procedure.

No, this is not true, but what a pity that there is still no such panacea.

Its action is based on enhancing the action of the cream. That is, the cream penetrates deeper, nourishes more and, naturally, the result is visible.

The face looks fresher and more toned, fatigue is not visible (you know those bags under the eyes and sagging cheeks - I’m actually surprised where everything comes from!)

One thing I can say with confidence, after the effect of the condition for a week, I stopped using foundation - there was no longer a need.

(For skeptics, I have been using creams from this company for 10-15 years, so I am familiar with the main capabilities of the cream firsthand)

I recommend applying this to your everyday cream, which you have used more than once.

Having become, I stipulated the runes, specifically indicating the action of each rune. She added that its effect begins at the moment of contact with the skin of the face; at other times, the runes accumulate their energy. I applied it directly to the jar, so that when I picked it up I could see the skin itself. Every time I say, “Well, let’s get younger!”

She activated it with her breath, plus she clarified that the words “getting younger” will work as a switch for the runes.


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Saturday, April 11, 2015 18:30 + to quote book

Face booster from Vitoria

Such a small but effective enhancer for the cream that we use for the face against wrinkles.
I used a picture from the company of my favorite cream, which I applied to.
I will not say that using this stav, you will not need Botox or it will replace any plastic procedure.
No, this is not true, but what a pity that there is still no such panacea.
Its action is based on enhancing the action of the cream. That is, the cream penetrates deeper, nourishes more and, naturally, the result is visible.
The face looks fresher and more toned, fatigue is not visible (you know those bags under the eyes and sagging cheeks - I’m actually surprised where everything comes from!)
One thing I can say with confidence, after the effect of the condition for a week, I stopped using foundation - there was no longer a need.
(For skeptics, I have been using creams from this company for 10-15 years, so I am familiar with the main capabilities of the cream firsthand)
I recommend applying this to your everyday cream, which you have used more than once.
Having become, I stipulated the runes, specifically indicating the action of each rune.

She added that its effect begins at the moment of contact with the skin of the face, at other times the runes accumulate their energy.

I applied it directly to the jar, so that when I picked it up I could see what I was doing. Every time I say, “Well, let’s get younger!”
She activated it with her breath, plus she clarified that the words “getting younger” will work as a switch for the runes.

So about the runes of this stav.
Since I was focused on the result of positive changes in the structure of the skin, I used as a base for it

Dagaz-Inguz-Dagaz, (the image of the stav begins with it)
Where is the Inguz rune - it gives vitality to the skin of the face and affects metabolism directly in the layers of the skin.

Dagaz - the changes themselves, (fatigue into radiance, wrinkles - away).
Lagus - expand the flow of the cream, the cream penetrates into the deep layers of the skin.
Vunya gives a therapeutic and prophylactic effect.
Algiz - promotes good blood circulation in the facial skin, giving it health energy.
Perth - normalizes the hormonal balance of the skin, the skin rejuvenates more actively.
Uruz - restores muscle tone of tissues. (note that I use three Uruz runes, each of which acts on problem areas of the face - under the eyes, mouth and nose area, forehead), the secondary mirror Uruz softens the effect so that the face does not look like a doll.
The middle of the stave is Yera-Gebo-Yera, a very interesting combination. This is not only a permanent “gift” from the cream, from the “commonwealth” with the stave, but also calms the nervous system in the skin of the face and gives confidence.
I hope it will be useful to you and you will be satisfied with the results.

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Formulas for rejuvenation and preservation of youth

Formulas for rejuvenation and preservation of youth

Kenaz-Isa-Dagaz. Establishes and regulates the physiological system.

Rejuvenation Algiz-Laguz-Pertre-Sovelo

(on the body and toiletries).
Apply runic formulas to the body. (stomach). Marker, brilliant green or iodine) Renew, do not show to anyone, charge, stipulate, cherish.
On jars of cream, soap, lotion, bottles of water for drinking, do not forget to apply, charge, condition, cherish.
Apply formulas for hair growth to the shampoo, do not forget, love, etc.

Zen wisdom teaches equanimity:
The hurtful words you say about me -
You are transferring it to yourself.

Rejuvenation and Preservation of Youth

Zen wisdom teaches equanimity:
The hurtful words you say about me -
You are transferring it to yourself.

Rejuvenation and Preservation of Youth

Girls, please check. I want to apply this formula.
Fat burning and body rejuvenation: Kano-Isa-Dagaz.
Intention: With this runic formula I direct the forces of my body by burning excess fat in any way that does not harm my health to achieve victory over excess weight, which should be 53 (-2 kg) kg by October 16. Let it be so!

will do

Kisulya homemade wrote:
Dear runologists, please tell me, is it better to apply rejuvenation formulas on the waning moon or on the waxing one? Or will the moon play no role here?

depending on what formulas... there are formulas that restore beauty and youth - they are for growth, and there are formulas. which remove signs of wilting - they are on the decline.

Fun Putyatishna
I applied the rejuvenation formula to the creams - Algiz-Laguz-Pertre-Sovelu, 3 months ago. The result is significant:) But. literally a couple of days after applying the formula, a friend invited me to a new, just opened beauty salon, where there are still few clients and therefore there are very affordable prices for all services, now I am a regular client there and they also give me discounts for advertising and attracting new clients:D
This is how the runes worked. I didn’t specify a specific period of time, they just “work until the formula is destroyed by burning,” I update it periodically, if the cream runs out, I burn the formula, since I applied it to pieces of masking tape, where the paper is on one side , and the sticky layer on the other, even if you wet the jar, nothing is washed off and the tape does not come off on its own. And it burns well

Girls, good day. I bought face cream today (night and day). I haven't opened it yet. I remember exactly that there is a formula specifically for applying to the cream. Did not find.
Please tell me what can be put on the jar? Well, the result, of course, is this: reduction of wrinkles, tightening of the skin, overall rejuvenation)))) :shy:

facial rejuvenation

There is a reason for this: a year has passed as nothing happened, 10 to nothing.
Fiction will melt into fiction, the years are running backwards.
Again the fresh morning looks in the mirror,
pure and fresh youth lies ahead.

Medea wrote:
Girls, tell me, does anyone know what formula can be applied to the cream for facial wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes, age up to 35?
Perhaps a Botox injection Isa-Thurisaz will do

[quote=’S_vokne’ p ]
Girls, please tell me, can these formulas be applied only to unused tubes, or can the formula be applied to the cream during use?

It’s possible, why not? The only question is efficiency.
The reason is the same as why they use special tools for work that are not used in everyday life, why they buy materials on a pay-as-you-go basis, and why they don’t bargain. energetic purity of the material - which is the key to the fact that it is easier to write the program we need onto a clean medium.[/quote]

valeri1979 wrote: Medea wrote:
Girls, tell me, does anyone know what formula can be applied to the cream for facial wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes, age up to 35?