Rusina Sign

Rusina sign is a diagnostic criterion that is used in obstetrics to determine the presence of a threat of miscarriage. This sign was named after the Russian obstetrician-gynecologist Yakov Ivanovich Rusin, who first described it in 1928.

Rusina sign is a symptom that manifests itself in the form of contraction of the uterus and its tone. It can be caused by various factors, such as stressful situations, physical activity, hormonal changes, etc.

To determine the Rusin sign, it is necessary to examine the pregnant woman and evaluate her uterus. If the uterus contracts and becomes denser, this may indicate a threat of miscarriage.

However, the Rusina sign is not the only diagnostic criterion for determining the threat of miscarriage. In addition to this, there are other diagnostic methods, such as a blood test for hormone levels, ultrasound, etc.

In general, the Rusina sign is an important diagnostic criterion that helps doctors determine the presence of a threat of termination of pregnancy and take the necessary measures to preserve it.

Rusina is the name of an outstanding Russian doctor and obstetrician-gynecologist, known for his exceptional professional work in the field of women's diseases. The name and work of Rusina Sign are a reminder of the achievements that women can achieve with the right approach to their health.

Founded by Yaroslav Rusin and Alexander Rusin in 2014, the Moscow Pregnancy Clinic is today at the forefront of medical practice in the field of reproductive health. Her mission is to help women and their children achieve the best possible health and well-being.

Rusina is a doctor of the highest category who took part in treating and saving the lives of women in difficult conditions, for example, during the HIV epidemic in South Africa. She also has experience working internationally, providing treatment and counseling to women around the world. One of Rusina's most important characteristics is that she combines innovation in the world of medical technology and an intuitive understanding of the female body to achieve the best treatment results.

The clinic for pregnant women in Moscow is a full-cycle clinic, providing services from diagnosis to treatment. The clinic employs highly qualified specialists from various fields of medicine and actively cooperates with medical institutions in other countries of the world. Regardless of whether the patient has a problem or is simply interested in a healthy lifestyle, the clinic is ready to help.