Ryumke Precox Gefuhl

Praecox Gefuhl glass: what is it and how is it related to psychiatry

Praecox Gefuhl is a term that was coined by the German psychiatrist Rumke and means "early feeling" or "early sensation." This term was introduced into psychiatric vocabulary to describe the early signs of mental disorders, especially schizophrenia.

Schizophrenia is one of the most serious mental disorders that often appears in people between the ages of 16 and 30. However, as a rule, the diagnosis is not made immediately, but after characteristic symptoms appear, such as hallucinations, delusions, disturbances in thinking and emotions.

The Praecox Gefuhl glass was developed by Rumke in order to pay attention to the early signs of schizophrenia, which can appear long before the obvious manifestation of the disease. These may include symptoms such as lack of emotions, social isolation, behavioral changes, sleep and eating disorders.

The Praecox Gefuhl shot glass is an important concept in psychiatry because if these early signs were recognized and treatment started early enough, the development of the disease could be prevented or its severity could be reduced.

Although the term Praecox Gefuhl is widely used in psychiatry, its use causes a lot of debate among specialists. Some believe that early signs of schizophrenia should be considered in the context of a specific clinical case, and not used as a universal tool for diagnosing the disease.

However, the Praecox Gefuhl remains an important concept in psychiatry, allowing specialists to more accurately identify the early signs of schizophrenia and take the necessary steps to treat them.

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Praecox - German psychiatrists and their name for a syndrome in which people think they are going to die or are already dead. What's going on in people?

**A glass of Praeco**x Gefuh**l** is a syndrome caused by psychotic disorders, as a result of which a person may experience a false sense of his own death or fear of it. Unfortunately, I cannot provide excerpts from scientific medical articles in Russian about whether this syndrome is pathological, or whether everything can be explained by simple reasons. Therefore, I will provide a short video on this topic, and you can read what science considers necessary. This is just the opinion of Doctor of Medical Sciences Evgeniy Fomin about this syndrome. The psychological state in this disorder is called mania; hallucinations can be of any nature and content. In Fomin's work there is no term "Preco Glass", instead, it is mentioned by the author under the name "early precox" (praecox