
Sacralization is the process of elevating something or someone above the ordinary. This may refer to religious cults that promote idealized and unusual interpretations of objects, events, and even relationships. This process has become widespread in modern societies, especially with the growth of religious and spiritual needs of people.

In societies with sacralization, the state or any religious structure has special powers and capabilities to regulate the life of the people. They can make decisions about what is good and what is bad, and this regulates people's behavior and is responsible for their well-being. Sacralist states and religions may prohibit certain activities, seek legal liability, or even use violence to achieve certain goals. Sacralism can be used to maintain the existing order, pacify the population to conform to certain norms and habits, and to protect traditional values ​​and beliefs. History shows that throughout history, sacralized objects, events and relationships have led to the strength of state power. In Roman religion and empire there was the sacralization of the emperor. Every action and decision of the emperor was sacred, and the supposed superiority of the priest or emperor was seen as a kind of divine power that should reward their devotion and obedience. Other cultures, such as Egypt and Judaism, had sacralizations based on the belief in the sacredness of certain places and objects, such as the Temple or the Torah. The concept of sacred places provides another type of sacralization with mystical and spiritual properties.

The process of sacralization was used to symbolize respect and control, reinforce ideology, and build loyalty. The process of sacralization can be seen in different forms around the world, such as sacred animals and places of pilgrimage, where the spiritual energy of these objects inspires awe in believers and a desire to become closer to them. Sacred status can also be used to attract tourists and travelers, provide a place known for its cultural significance and sacred