
Amyotrophy is a dystrophic disease of the nervous system, in which degeneration of motor neurons in the anterior horns of the spinal cord is observed with damage to the nuclei of cranial nerves XII-XIII pairs (auditory, facial).

Genetic forms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are congenital - with some types of hereditary neuromuscular pathology, which includes ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), motor coordination disorders develop, and concomitant head movement becomes noticeable. These phenomena usually begin in childhood and later, in adolescence, by the age of 30 the final picture of the disease is generally revealed. Movement disorders initially manifest themselves as spasticity and a gradual increase in subsequent (after 7–12 years) muscle atrophy on one side of the body, after which gradual damage occurs on the other side. Symmetrical lesions are less common. Signs such as weakness of facial muscles (pseudobulbar syndrome), development of pseudoparalysis of the lower extremities, fine motor disorders and mild bulbar palsy may develop gradually or with rapid fluctuations. Symptoms of the disease can appear sequentially, all at the same time, or occur in attacks. Sometimes the disease begins with trembling of the eyeballs (nystagmus). Hand tremor (motor ataxia), which is common in some patients, is the last symptom that appears immediately before the development of amyotrophy. Such a motor defect may be the first sign of the onset of the disease. It is not uncommon to have weakness in all limbs at the same time. Patients complain of difficulty moving up stairs and difficulty turning to the side. Shaking in the body (forced movements) is associated with muscle weakness, which quickly leads to fatigue. There is significant sweating of the palms. Chronic pain appears in the stomach area, and constipation is common. Other disorders include sleep disorders - first falling asleep, then drowsiness, intermittent sleep. Patients cannot be woken up in the morning.

The muscles and tendons of the affected muscle groups lose tone, become tense, and quickly deplete (muscle strength disappears). The skin becomes

Amyotrophy is a disease that affects the ability to move the limbs. The causes of the disease can be different: heredity, genetic mutations, neurological disorders and infections.

One of the types of this disease is **bullous amyotrophy**. This is the so-called idiopathic form, when it is impossible to establish a clear source of the disease. This disease often occurs in males. Basically, the bullous form is characterized by a rapid stage of progression of symptoms and death.