Safety Zone in Dentistry

The safety zone in dentistry is the area of ​​the crown of a natural tooth, within which the hard tissues of the tooth can be excised without the danger of opening its cavity.

When preparing a tooth for veneers, crowns, onlays and other orthopedic structures, the doctor must observe the boundaries of the safety zone so as not to damage the tooth pulp. This is especially important when working with living pulp.

The safety zone is determined by the anatomical structure of the tooth and the thickness of the hard tissues. For each group of teeth it has its own characteristics.

Chewing teeth have the greatest thickness of hard tissues and, accordingly, the widest safety zone. Incisors and canines have a smaller safety zone.

When working within the safety zone, the risk of complications and pulp damage is reduced. This allows for predictability of treatment and stable long-term results of orthopedic intervention. Respecting the boundaries of the safety zone is a prerequisite for safe dental practice.

The safety zone in modern dentistry is a prerequisite for a successful and safe dental procedure. The safety zone is the area of ​​the crown of a natural tooth, beyond which hard tissues begin, acting as protection from damage and affecting the gums. To eliminate the risk of soft tissue damage during the tooth process, an endodontic pin is installed. However, this does not mean that an implant cannot be installed in it.

The safety zone is an important factor when choosing a method of dental treatment for older people. Installing the implant in a safety zone makes the procedure safer and prevents the development of unwanted side effects, such as:

- Damage to healthy teeth and their caries; - Infection of the gums; - Development of periodontitis; - Ruin of the dental crown; - Tooth root fracture;

All these consequences can occur if there is insufficient preliminary preparation of the safety zone and/or installation of the implant in an inappropriate place. The big advantage is that after installing implants in the safety zones, the patient can immediately begin performing everyday tasks and receive improved smile aesthetics. It is important to choose an experienced and competent dentist and determine the location. It often happens that an implant can be installed in the area where the smile line is located, but in this area there are soft tissues and teeth that can be damaged. Thus, to correctly determine the safety zone, it is necessary to know the location of the soft tissues. Choosing the wrong place to install an implant can cause many problems, especially if the procedure is performed without proper experience.

Before installing implants, the dentist must calculate the area of ​​the patient’s teeth. In this case, the dentist takes into account the age, health status of the patient and the desired results from dental procedures. The doctor also takes into account the design of the implant itself. If the design involves seams, then the safety zone will be slightly larger than the standard size. When installing an implant without seams, the size of the safety zone will be small, so the dentist carries out a detailed examination before the procedure. After the dentist conducts a survey, he will take an x-ray and examine the safety zone: dental canals, bone, the distance between the gum and teeth. Most modern implantologists are equipped with special equipment - dental microscopes, which help reduce errors. This procedure is also important in case of poor patient hygiene, obesity, periodontal disease or other oral diseases. The dentist also determines the length of the crown, since if it is placed incorrectly, various problems with the gums, teeth and prosthesis are possible.