Salicylic water for face


To obtain an even skin tone, salicylic acid is often used in cosmetology. It helps get rid of acne, age spots and other similar problems. The composition of this product has the necessary properties to achieve the expected effect in a short period of time. You can use it to prepare homemade lotions and masks.

What are the benefits of salicylic acid for the skin?

After the first solution of this drug was obtained in the 19th century, its properties did not change. It did not immediately find its application in cosmetology, so it was originally:

  1. keratolytic;
  2. strong antiseptic;
  3. irritant.

Salicylic acid is an antibacterial, antimicrobial drug that can be used as an external disinfectant. This medication is used to treat wounds, treat dermatological diseases, and cosmetic defects. The solution is able to penetrate deep into the pores of the skin and stimulate blood circulation. The keratolytic properties of the drug include the exfoliation effect, which manifests itself due to the drying of the upper layers of the skin. The medication has the following cosmetic effects:

  1. hides acne spots;
  2. regulates sebum secretion;
  3. whitens and dries the face;
  4. discolors blackheads;
  5. kills germs that cause acne and pimples.

Salicylic acid is part of many anti-inflammatory and antibacterial products that are produced to solve problems with facial skin. The main task of this element is to disinfect the surface of the fabric, penetrate deep into and destroy bacteria. It should be borne in mind that not only harmful, but also beneficial microorganisms die. The skin dries out and sebum production is reduced. Already formed pimples are disinfected and come out through the ducts.


Is it possible to wipe your face with salicylic acid?

This product has proven itself well in the field of cosmetology, but there are a number of reasons why salicylic acid for the face is not the best choice. Consider the following contraindications to the use of the drug:

  1. The solution should not be used by people with sensitive, dry skin. As a rule, this type is more often attacked by bacteria, but due to the nature of the effect of the product, the situation may worsen.
  2. There is no need to use the product in winter, when the skin becomes thinner and dry out under the influence of air and cold. This is especially true for people with severe acne.
  3. After applying the medication, do not stay in the sun. This can cause the appearance of age spots.

It is not recommended to smear the face with salicylic acid if you have an individual intolerance to the components or an allergic reaction to them. If these contraindications are excluded, the use of the drug is recommended under the following conditions:

  1. oily facial skin with multiple, single pimples, enlarged pores, blackheads;
  2. combination skin type with multiple comedones and acne;
  3. for single age spots, acne and dry skin.


How to wipe your face

The facial cleansing procedure has certain requirements that must be followed before and after the procedure. The product is included in various ointments, lotions, creams. The procedure of applying a peeling mask has become widespread. After it is carried out, you should not allow your skin to be exposed to direct sunlight, sunbathe or walk for a long time in the sun. Instructions for use:

  1. The area of ​​the face that will be treated must be cleansed with special milk.
  2. To open your pores, take a steam bath, then wash your face with hot water.
  3. Remove dirt with a degreasing solution, which will also have an antiseptic effect.
  4. Apply a thin layer of salicylic acid solution or paste to your face. When the product begins to act, you will feel a slight tingling sensation. If you notice that the skin begins to become very red, remove the solution immediately, otherwise you may get burned.
  5. Rinse off the mask with cold water, this will help tighten the pores.

Does salicylic acid help with age spots on the face?

In beauty salons, this product is often used to whiten skin, but you can achieve the same effect at home yourself. One of the uses of salicylic acid for the face is the removal of age spots. Positive aspects of the drug:

  1. Does not have an aggressive effect on the skin, peeling and redness rarely occur. This reaction occurs only in those with thin skin.
  2. The pores are well cleaned and disinfected thanks to the bactericidal effect.
  3. The color is evened out without damaging facial tissues.

It is recommended to use a 15% solution; the desired effect is obtained after the 3rd procedure. You can try doubling the concentration, which will speed up the manifestation of the result. Use salicylic acid as follows:

  1. The medication must be applied directly to the pigment spot.
  2. Keep the product for 5-15 minutes.
  3. Rinse off with cold water.
  4. Carry out this procedure twice a day. The duration of the course is 15 days.

See the detailed review and find out how to choose a cream against age spots on the face.


Acne treatment

Many girls use salicylic acid to combat acne on their face. It is recommended to start treatment with a 3% solution in order to monitor the reaction to the medication and avoid burns. If no side effects are observed, you can switch to a 10% product. To soften the effect of acid, protect against irritation, peeling, you should smear your face with moisturizer and tonic after the procedure. Cleaning is carried out as follows:

  1. If single inflammations occur, the acid should be applied pointwise. Take a cotton swab, dip it in the product and apply it to the pimples. This will help avoid unnecessary irritation.
  2. To treat a large area, you should use a mask, lotion or compress. Apply the medication to the entire face without rubbing.
  3. You need to wash everything off with cold water.
  4. Acid should not be applied more than 3 times per knock. Treatment usually lasts a week. Then you need to take at least a 7-day break.



More often, the medicine is used as part of masks and lotions in order to achieve maximum effect when interacting with other ingredients. You can prepare such a remedy yourself. All the necessary components are easy to find at the pharmacy and are low cost. Here are some examples of preparing such products:

  1. You will need 130 ml of chamomile decoction, 2 ml of grape oil and 5 ml of salicylic liquid.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients to the cooled, strained chamomile decoction and mix well.
  3. For convenience, pour the entire composition into a bottle with a spray or dispenser.
  4. Apply the lotion to a cotton pad and wipe the surface of your face with it several times a day.
  5. If there are only a few spots or areas of inflammation, then it is better to apply a compress to these places.
  1. To create an anti-inflammatory lotion, you need to take half a glass of salicylic alcohol.
  2. Pour one tablespoon of dried calendula flowers into it.
  3. Let it brew for a day, then strain through gauze.
  4. If necessary, stir the product with clean water in the following ratio: 1 spoon of lotion per 1 glass of liquid.
  5. Use as a facial toner.
  1. This recipe is better for sensitive skin. You need to buy 5 tablets of chloramphenicol at the pharmacy; they must be crushed into powder.
  2. Mix it with boric alcohol, sulfur and salicylic acid. You need 1 teaspoon of each ingredient.
  3. Add a glass of 70% alcohol and stir thoroughly.
  4. Shake the product before use.
  5. Apply drop by drop to affected areas of skin.


Recipes for facial products with salicylic acid

You can prepare not only lotions at home, but also creams. For example, they are able to provide optimal skin care, narrow pores in the T-zone, and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Many of the properties of the product depend on the ingredients. Here are a few good recipes for those who want to cleanse their face with salicylic acid:

  1. To prepare, you need to have 5 g of beeswax, 1 ml of phenolic solution, 10 ml of rice oil.
  2. Melt the wax, stirring it constantly. Add the cereal oil, then beat everything well with a blender.
  3. Add salicylic liquid to the mixture and mix again.
  4. Pour the cream into a convenient jar. Apply a thin layer every day without rubbing after cleansing.
  1. To prepare the mask you need badyaga, cosmetic clay. Mix them in equal proportions.
  2. Add just enough warm water to the mixture to make a paste. Pour in a few drops of salicylic acid.
  3. Apply a thin layer of the mask without rubbing onto your face. Keep it on for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
  4. Should be used no more than once a week.



Valeria, 25 years old Salicylic acid for the face works great for acne. I use a 1% solution and that's enough for me. The price of the product in pharmacies is low, but the results are excellent. The most profitable option to get the desired effect “cheap and cheerful”. I do not recommend using a pure solution of more than 1% so as not to burn the skin.

Ekaterina, 23 years old Sometimes I use salicylic alcohol to dry the skin. My dermatologist immediately warned me that I shouldn’t use the product often, because it could lead to more active work of the sebaceous glands and the skin would become even oilier. I often use it to get rid of small pimples: they quickly dry out and come out through the pores.

Dmitry, 28 years old For a long time I could not get rid of subcutaneous pimples on my forehead; anti-acne washes and creams did not help at all. I decided to try salicylic acid and already on the 4th day of use I noticed a significant improvement in my condition. The acne came to the surface and soon disappeared. I used a 3% solution to quickly deal with the problem.

The names of organic acids used in cosmetology sound like magic spells to girls: hyaluronic, glycolic, retinol... It seems that these incomprehensible words contain a recipe for eternal youth and beauty. And today we will learn another such spell and figure out when it is used and how it works. So, attention - salicylic acid.

This acid (its name comes from the Latin name for willow - Salix, since it was first obtained from the bark of this tree) and medicines based on it have been used in medicine for a long time. Now they are used only externally to treat numerous skin problems:

  1. seborrhea, eczema, psoriasis, pityriasis versicolor and versicolor, burns, calluses and the like.

Main indication for the use of salicylic acid in cosmetology - acne.

Effect on the skin, indications for use and contraindications

The effects of salicylic acid are determined by the fact that it:

  1. softens and exfoliates the stratum corneum of the skin - that is, it is a keratolytic drug; softens and dissolves plugs in follicles (blackheads); has a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect, destroying bacteria that cause inflammation inside the comedon; suppresses the secretion of sweat and sebaceous glands, reducing skin oiliness.

Being a fairly caustic substance, it can cause a chemical burn, so you need to be careful when choosing the concentration. For normal skin or skin prone to oily skin, the concentration should not exceed 2%, for dry and sensitive skin - no more than 0.5%.


  1. allergies, intolerances; renal failure; childhood; pregnancy and breastfeeding.

You should not use salicylic acid preparations at the same time as other external acne treatments, since their combined action can dry out the skin too much and only aggravate its problems.

Salicylic acid for acne

The easiest and most affordable way is to wipe your face with salicylic acid, or rather, its 1% or 2% alcohol solution, sold in pharmacies, or apply it directly to pimples.

The solution causes a noticeable burning sensation on the skin. A few minutes after application, it should be washed off - preferably with a sponge - with plenty of water.

Apply twice a day for a week, then it is recommended to take a break. If there is no irritation on the skin, you can use it for some more time, but the effectiveness of the procedure decreases.

This method is quite effective, but alcohol causes

  1. overdrying of the skin, tightening, peeling, irritation.

Therefore, it is better to use a pharmaceutical solution of salicylic acid only as an emergency measure - to cauterize a lonely “volcano” or a small scattering of “geysers” that suddenly popped up on the forehead or nose.

For systemic care of oily skin, as well as the prevention and treatment of acne, it is much more effective and safer to use cosmetics containing salicylic acid.

  1. sticks and pencils for local application of the product to a pimple from Clean & Clear and Neutrogena;
  1. Clearasil lotion and gel for washing;
  1. Stopproblem tonic lotion and cleansing mask;
  1. Garnier ExfoPro washing gel and Garnier Pure Active cream; Pure Zone gel from L’oreal;
  1. foundation creams with salicylic acid that simultaneously mask acne and fight it, for example, the JA-DE brand
  1. and many others.

You can add a few drops of salicylic acid solution to clay face masks, in which case the mask will acquire additional cleansing and “degreasing” properties.

Salicylic peeling is also popular - a fairly effective salon procedure, usually used for oily young skin. As a rule, for peeling, salicylic acid is used together with other acids, for example, glycolic or mandelic.

Other reviews on “Cosmetology for Dummies”:

How to use solcoseryl for wrinkles, and most importantly, why?

An article about ointment as a way to rejuvenate the face.

Salicylic acid, reviews of use

Almost everyone who used drugs salicylic acid for the treatment of acne, their effectiveness is noted.

  1. pores are cleansed, the skin becomes less oily, pimples dry out and heal, and new ones appear less and less often.

However, if applied alcohol solution, there are often complaints about

  1. peeling, drying of the skin, and on sensitive skin even 2% salicylic acid, if not washed off with water, can cause a chemical burn.

Therefore, you need to use a pharmaceutical solution:

  1. carefully; locally; not too long (this refers to both the application time and the period of use); and always in combination with moisturizers.

Alcohol-free cosmetics containing salicylic acid usually do not cause such unpleasant effects, but the effect of them usually becomes noticeable after a few days of use.

Cosmetologists also speak well of the effectiveness of salicylic acid, but emphasize that only products with a concentration of no more than 2% are suitable for home use.

Working with stronger solutions requires special knowledge and skills, that is, it is a task for professionals. And even they, in some cases, try to avoid using highly concentrated salicylic acid, since it is very aggressive.

To summarize, we can say that salicylic acid is an effective remedy for cleansing oily skin and getting rid of acne, but it must be used for its intended purpose and wisely. But serious problems need to be solved only under the guidance of professionals.

Good day, dear blog readers! Agree that naturally clean and healthy skin is the dream of many girls. I myself often wonder how to deal with rashes and minor imperfections on the face. The cosmetologist advised me to include a product that contains salicylic acid in my facial care complex. It turns out that this substance is widely used not only in medicine. Want to know how beneficial it is for your beauty?

What does it help with?

This is an organic substance related to fat-soluble acids. It is colorless crystals, highly soluble in ethanol. It is obtained through the simple synthesis of sodium phenolate, carbon dioxide and hydrochloric acid. The drug has earned wide popularity in cosmetology due to the following properties:

  1. exfoliates dead epithelial cells;
  2. relieves the inflammatory process;
  3. has a drying effect;
  4. has a mild analgesic effect;
  5. cleanses pores;
  6. constricts blood vessels, eliminates itching;
  7. normalizes the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  8. is a good preservative;
  9. easily penetrates deep into the skin.

Composition and release form

Acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin is found in almost every home medicine cabinet. These are synthetic derivatives of orthohydroxybenzoic acid. The drugs are available in various dosage forms: tablets, ointments, pastes, solutions of different dosages and concentrations. For independent use, a 1-2% concentrate is best suited. Large dosages are used mainly by cosmetologists for special procedures.

Despite the huge number of new drugs, salicylic acid does not lose popularity. Due to its antibacterial effect, it is the main component of cosmetic products for the treatment of acne. In the ingredients you will find it under the name salicylic acid. Concentration in care products is 0.5 – 1%.

The substance has the ability to penetrate deeply into the skin and stimulate blood flow to the problem area. This property is actively used to get rid of post-acne and scars. Effectively helps in caring for oily and problematic skin. However, it is important to remember that salicylic acid can greatly dry out the epidermis. Therefore, if you have dry and sensitive skin, this product will not be suitable.


What is it used for?

This drug is actively used to treat various skin diseases. Among them: eczema, acne, psoriasis, dermatitis, excessive sweating, dandruff and seborrhea. Salicylic acid can be used in various forms to solve specific problems.

In the form of solutions. Use a 1-2% remedy for acne or pimples several times a day. The same solution is used to wipe the skin with seborrhea. A one percent alcohol solution is also prescribed to combat calluses, keratinized skin, eczema and dermatitis.

Drops. Anti-inflammatory drugs with salicylic acid are successfully used in the treatment of otitis media. The drug is instilled into the ear according to the dosage specified in the instructions for use.

Ointments. Available in various concentrations depending on the purpose of use. Recommended for various infectious skin lesions. For example, 2% salicylic ointment is used to treat various dermatoses.

Salicylic Vaseline. In combination with lanolin, it softens the skin with ichthyosis. It eliminates cracks and promotes healing.

Callus liquid. This solution is applied externally and has a powerful antiseptic effect. The liquid is applied in a thin layer to the callus once a day. After drying, a film remains that needs to be removed.

Powder. This remedy is used mainly for hyperkeratosis, less often - against acne. As a rule, powders contain 2-5% salicylic acid.

Band-Aid. Helps well against warts and dry calluses. The impregnation also contains sulfur. This helps soften rough skin and destroy germs.

Hair products. Designed to solve many problems with the scalp and hair. The drugs cope well with dandruff, itching and oily seborrhea.

Contraindications and side effects

We figured out what salicylic acid is and what beneficial properties it has. However, there are some side effects. High concentrations of the drug may cause itching and irritation of the skin. In rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur. This is a matter of individual intolerance.

There are not many contraindications for use. The use of this substance is not recommended in the following cases:

  1. hypersensitivity to the drug;
  2. if the child is under 3 years old;
  3. pathological impairment of kidney function;
  4. breastfeeding;
  5. during pregnancy.

Large amounts of salicylic ointment can cause painful sensations on the skin. In this case, it must be removed immediately and zinc paste applied. It is difficult to predict the reaction of each individual organism. Therefore, I advise you to always consult a specialist before using medical or cosmetic products.

Reviews from those who tried it

I think everyone is interested in knowing whether salicylic acid helps with acne. After a long search, I found the following answers on how to use salicylic acid:

Vika: I smeared it on my face. The product made the skin very dry and tight. Apparently this doesn't suit my type.

Alina: A friend convinced me that this was the best remedy for acne. I decided to check. If you lubricate only problem areas with the solution, it helps.

Mia: Is it possible to wipe your face with this product? I'm not sure, I use it spot on for inflammation. I'm happy with the effect.

Kate: I don’t know if salicylic acid helps with acne and acne. I use it to combat excess oiliness on my face. So far I'm happy.

Lina: The pharmacy has a product called salicylic alcohol. Under no circumstances should you apply it in its pure form to the skin. It will greatly dry out and disrupt the lipid layer. Then you will continue to treat.

Vera: I have problematic and oily skin. Salicylic acid harmed me even more. It dries out a lot, the skin then flakes and peels off.

Lola: Salicylic acid can severely burn your facial skin. It does not need to be used for blackheads. This is a remedy for relieving inflammation. If there are no acne, use something else, scrubs or peels, for example.

Tanyusha: And it helps me with ingrown hairs after depilation. I apply a spot-on 1% solution and all my hairs come out. I just pull them out with tweezers. There is no inflammation and there is no need to pick the skin.

Sasha: It won't help clean pores. I think it should be used only for inflammation and then with caution. If you are prone to rosacea, it can only worsen the situation.

Nastya: Salicylic acid of varying concentrations and salicylic alcohol are two different products. The second is only capable of disinfection.

Larisa: I came to the following conclusion for myself: pharmaceutical alcohol solutions are not for my face. I will look for cosmetics with this component.

Use in dermatology

Salicylic acid and its derivatives are widely used in dermatology. Products based on them successfully cope with diseases such as:

  1. Acne - softens sebaceous plugs and cleanses pores. Promotes skin renewal.
  2. Acne and acne marks - effectively brightens, smoothes and evens out the skin.
  3. Warts - suppresses the development of harmful microorganisms, softens the rough surface.
  4. Demodectic mange - used against skin mites as part of talkers, ointments and other medicines.
  5. Seborrhea - reduces inflammation, normalizes oily skin, promotes regeneration.

Salicylic ointment is used for toenail fungus in the early stages of the disease.

Products based on salicylic acid effectively help get rid of age spots. Most often, a 2% alcohol solution is used for this. You can fix this problem at home or by resorting to the services of specialists.

Recipes at home

The beneficial properties of salicylic acid for the face are actively used in cosmetology. As mentioned above, salicylic acid has keratolytic, exfoliating and anti-inflammatory effects. In fact, it is a strong antibacterial and “thunderstorm of acne” 🙂

But it must be used with caution, because alcohol dries out the skin well. Therefore, when using products with salicylic acid, it is necessary to combine them with moisturizers.

Below I have selected recipes for peeling with salicylic acid at home. Although this is one of the most effective treatments for problem skin, do not use it more than 2 times a month. And do not replace basic daily care.

For blackheads with the addition of honey

You need to thoroughly crush 2 tablets into powder. Add 2 tablespoons of liquid warm honey. Mix the ingredients well until smooth. Apply the mixture to your face for no more than 3 minutes. You need to wash off the peeling with a special solution - 1 teaspoon of soda per glass of water. After the procedure, apply nourishing cream to your face.

Peeling with sour cream + yolk

For this recipe we also use acetylsalicylic acid tablets - 2 pcs. Add 2 teaspoons of sour cream and chicken yolk. Mix everything thoroughly and apply to the face. Wash off in the same way as the first mixture.

Cosmetics with salicylic acid

Many brands use this substance in their products for problem skin. It is added to facial cleansing gels, tonics, and lotions. Can be included in therapeutic masks or scrubs for oily skin. I have already talked about how the Vichy Normaderm line is perfect for problem skin.

Here I have selected a product that contains the ingredient Salicylic acid. I use some of them myself:

  1. Deep cleansing gel - eliminates oily shine, makes the face clean and fresh.
  2. 3-in-1 product - combines the effects of several products at once. I have a tube like this. It lasts a very long time. I make a mask with it or a scrub after a shower. I like the result.
  3. Anti-aging cream for imperfections - reduces signs of aging, improves tone, eliminates imperfections.
  4. HYALUSPOT spot action product - I already wrote about it in the article on products after 25 years.
  5. Vichy Normaderm detox night care is a perfect addition to your daily care for problem skin. You can learn more about this product from my article night creams.