Instant acne remedy

Acne is a common dermatological disease that affects not only teenagers, but also adults. There are a large number of products available to combat acne. However, as practice shows, not all of them are equally effective. The best remedy for acne on the face, which helped one patient, may be completely ineffective for another. This is due not only to the physiological characteristics of each person, but also to the reasons that caused acne. Therefore, before looking for the best remedy for acne on the face, you should identify the provoking factor that caused the inflammatory process in the dermis.

Main causes of acne

The main cause of rashes is overactive sebaceous glands. The secretion they secrete clogs the skin ducts, where bacteria begin to accumulate, resulting in an inflammatory process.

The following factors can provoke intense sebum production:

  1. hormonal changes in the body;
  2. frequent stress and poor nutrition;
  3. abuse of bad habits;
  4. endocrine pathologies and gastrointestinal diseases;
  5. deficiency of vitamins and minerals;
  6. taking hormonal medications.

All of the above factors contribute not only to the active functioning of the sebaceous glands, but also to a decrease in the protective functions of the body. A weakened immune system cannot resist the proliferation of bacteria, which leads to the active development of the inflammatory process in the dermis.

In adolescents, increased secretion is most often a consequence of hormonal changes in the body; women are also susceptible to acne due to hormonal surges that are observed during menstruation, pregnancy, menopause and when taking certain contraceptives.

Ways to fight acne

There is no universal remedy that would help get rid of acne forever. However, most methods and drugs are highly effective. Acne treatment is carried out in the following ways:

  1. washing with antibacterial gels;
  2. use of lotions and gels with antibiotics;
  3. the use of anti-inflammatory ointments;
  4. external and internal use of retinoids;
  5. systemic antibiotic therapy;
  6. carrying out physiotherapeutic procedures.

The choice of one method or another depends on the severity of the disease. Minor rashes can be effectively treated with any antibacterial remedy for acne on the face in the form of a gel wash. In severe cases, when conglobate or cystic acne occurs, an integrated approach to solving the problem is required.

Rating of the best acne treatment products


The following is a list of which products help against acne on the face with mild, moderate and severe acne, provided they are used in complex therapy:

These remedies for acne and pimples on the face are considered one of the most effective today.


Zinerit includes two active components - the antibiotic erythromycin and zinc acetate. An effective remedy for blackheads and acne is produced in the form of a powder, from which a solution is prepared for external use. The main component, erythromycin, penetrates the tissue and has an antibacterial effect, and zinc acts as a drying component.

Zenerite has a comedolytic effect, that is, it is able to break down the contents of blackheads and prevent their reappearance.

The course of therapy with Zinerit is 2.5-3 months, depending on the severity of acne. The first improvements occur 2-3 weeks after the start of use.

The average price of Zinerit powder today is 600 rubles. It is freely available in pharmacies. Often the drug receives positive reviews from users.

Baziron AS

Baziron AS anti-acne facial product has a gel-like release form. The main component in the fight against acne is benzoyl peroxide. It has antimicrobial activity against acne bacteria and staphylococci. Due to the sensitivity of staphylococci to benzoyl peroxide, the product is sometimes used as an ointment for boils.

The active substance of Baziron AS has a keratolytic effect, that is, it softens dead epithelium and sebum that form sebaceous plugs, facilitating their easier rejection. Additionally, it is involved in normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

The full course of use is 3 months. The first improvements are noticeable after regular use for 4 weeks.

The price of the gel today is approximately 750-800 rubles.


The best acne cream contains azelaic acid. The active substance has an antibacterial effect and prevents further spread of acne. Skinoren is used in the treatment of acne, rosacea and hyperpigmentation.

The cream stops the pathological process of excess sebum formation and keratanization. Therefore, Skinoren is also an effective remedy for subcutaneous acne, which is called closed comedones. Additionally, the gel has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Duration of use is 8-12 weeks. A noticeable improvement in the condition of the skin is observed after a month.

The price of the gel is currently 1150 rubles per tube of 30 g.


An effective remedy for acne on the face has a pronounced antibacterial effect thanks to clindamycin hydrochloride. The active substance not only suppresses the activity of pathogenic bacteria, but also helps reduce the production of sebum by the glands. Clindamycin accumulates in areas of accumulation of pathogenic microflora, where it exhibits its antibacterial activity.

Zerkalin is produced in the form of a solution for external use. The course of therapy can vary from 1.5 months to six months, depending on the severity of acne.

The cost of Zerkalin is 370 rubles per 30 ml bottle.


This is the best remedy for acne on the face, which users regularly leave reviews about. The drug belongs to the group of retinoids, so it is used exclusively for severe forms of acne. Its main active substance is adapalene, which has an anti-inflammatory and comedolytic effect. Therefore, it is also prescribed as an effective remedy for blackheads. Clenzit is suitable for both adults and teenagers.

Recovery occurs after 3 months of regular use, and the first improvements are already noticeable after 4 weeks.

The average price of Klenzit is 400 rubles. Its analogue is Differin gel, the cost of which is 2 times higher.


The most effective remedy for facial acne, which is widely used for all forms of acne. The gel shows the greatest therapeutic effectiveness in the treatment of individual comedones and papulopustular acne.

The active component zinc hyaluronate has a bacteriostatic effect, has an anti-inflammatory effect and accelerates tissue regeneration.

The duration of the Curizon course is determined individually and depends on the severity of the dermatological disease.

This is the best acne remedy and is considered the safest. The average cost of the gel is 500 rubles.


This is a very good remedy for acne on the face, the main active components of which are the retinoid isotretinoin and the antibiotic erythromycin. The combined drug has the following properties:

  1. antiseborrheic;
  2. antibacterial;
  3. keratolytic;
  4. anti-inflammatory.

Isotrexin is a good remedy for facial acne with mild to moderate acne.

The duration of external gel therapy varies from 1.2 to 2 months.

The cost of Isotrexin is within 600 rubles.


The remedy for acne belongs to the group of retinoids, used for severe nodular cystic form when the rash is localized not only on the face, but also on the back. Retasol is available in the form of a solution intended for internal and external use.

The main component of the retinoid isotretinoin propylene glycol has anti-inflammatory, antiseborrheic, keratolytic and local immunomodulatory effects. It also helps get rid of blackheads.
The duration of use depends on the method of administration and the type of acne.

The cost of one 50 ml bottle is 400 rubles.

Affordable treatments for facial acne

It is impossible to give a definite answer as to which remedy is best for acne on the face. Each drug has its own composition and differs somewhat in its principle of action. What works for one person may be completely ineffective for another.

Sometimes an expensive drug does not show a therapeutic effect on acne, but a cheap pharmaceutical drug solves the problem in a short time.


The following pharmaceutical products are available, but sometimes no less effective:

  1. Chlorhexidine;
  2. salicylic acid;
  3. Ichthyol ointment;
  4. Balsamic liniment;
  5. Badyaga;
  6. Tsindol.

Chlorhexidine is an affordable and effective anti-acne medication. It has a bacteriostatic and anti-inflammatory effect. It can be used as an adjuvant for teenage acne on the face. Chlorhexidine helps dry out inflamed areas and reduce redness.

Salicylic acid has a similar effect to chlorhexidine, so it is often used as an effective remedy for facial acne. It is also used for blackheads as an effective solvent for sebaceous plugs. However, you should be careful when using the drug, as it can dry out the skin and make it more sensitive. Therefore, salicylic acid is applied pointwise to the areas where the rashes are localized.

Ichthyol ointment is popular in the treatment of acne on the face. It has an anesthetic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and absorbable effect. It is often used in severe forms of acne to draw out the infiltrate. This is the best remedy for boils, which helps to quickly get rid of the inflammatory process and purulent contents at the site of inflammation.

The ointment is applied pointwise or distributed in a thin layer in case of numerous rashes. Ichthyol is also used to get rid of post-acne spots.

Balsamic liniment, better known as Vishnevsky ointment, is often used in the treatment of internal painful acne, which helps to quickly resolve the inflammatory focus and prevent the formation of scars and scars. Liniment is known for its powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects.

Badyaga is the best remedy for acne and acne, which helps improve local blood circulation, subside the inflammatory process and suppress the growth of pathogenic microflora. It has a resolving effect, so it is also used to eliminate stains remaining after internal acne has resolved.

Tsindol has an antiseptic and drying effect, and is often used as a remedy for single comedones. In case of severe acne, the medicinal component is used as a mask.

Among homemade auxiliary components for acne on the face, aloe is often used to prepare masks and lotions, as well as tar soap for washing. The latest medicinal product is also known as the best remedy for blackheads on the nose, due to its good cleansing properties.

List of medications for internal use


For the treatment of severe forms of acne, the following groups of drugs for internal use are mandatory:

These acne medications will help you recover faster in most cases.


Preparations of the retinoid group are produced under such brand names as Roaccutane, Sortret and Acnecutane. The main active ingredient is isotretinoin.

Retinoids are the best remedy for severe teenage acne on the face, when therapy with other medications is ineffective.

Taking medications in this group without a doctor's prescription is strictly prohibited, as it often causes adverse reactions.


To treat acne caused by vitamin deficiency, vitamins are prescribed. Most often, acne is caused by a deficiency of vitamins A and E. The most effective drug for replenishing them in the body is Aevit. It should be used to treat acne with caution and only as prescribed by a doctor, since in case of overdose it can lead to side effects, including hypervitaminosis of vitamins A and E.


Acne caused by intestinal problems can be treated with probiotics. This group includes Rioflora, Acipol, Linex, etc. Probiotics help restore beneficial microflora and cleanse the intestines of waste and toxins. They additionally help strengthen the immune system, which plays an important role in acne.


The most commonly prescribed antibiotics for acne are Doxycycline, Unidox Solutab and Erythromycin. Active substances accumulate in areas of inflammation and have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.

Medicines are used for severe acne as prescribed by a doctor.

The best cleansers for acne

During acne treatment, proper facial skin care plays an important role. Washing gels, which have antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, are designed to help with this. The best among the existing ones include:

These gels gently cleanse the skin of impurities, fight blackheads and prevent their further appearance. They also help reduce inflammation on the skin during acne treatment.

An integrated approach is the key to successful treatment

Blackheads and pimples in most cases require an integrated approach to treatment, which should include the use of effective external agents, careful care and cleansing of the skin and diet therapy. Acne that leads to scarring requires additional physical therapy to help prevent or get rid of scars.

To get rid of pimples, blackheads and acne, which bring us enormous discomfort, you need to choose the right care product. It must meet the needs of the skin and eliminate a specific problem. However, there are no universal remedies for fighting acne; everyone must find their own remedy - these can be ointments, creams, gels and masks. Let's look at the best.

The main causes of acne

In order for acne treatment to bring maximum results, you need to eliminate the cause that provokes its formation. Skin rashes are caused by:

  1. emotional shocks, stress, nervous strain, worries;
  2. frequent contact with hands or phones that have germs on the surface;
  3. hormonal imbalance, thyroid disease;
  4. heredity;
  5. use of corticosteroids, birth control pills;
  6. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular the intestines;
  7. unhealthy diet - content in the diet of fast food, fatty and fried foods, as well as sweets and baked goods;
  8. allergic reaction;
  9. bad habits - nicotine and alcohol provoke metabolic disorders;
  10. wrong choice of cosmetics, use of too oily cosmetics.

A doctor will help determine the true cause of the rash. To do this, you can contact a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist, allergist, infectious disease specialist, dermatologist, hematologist. A nutritionist and cosmetologist will also help. By determining the cause of the rash and eliminating it, you can count on the fact that anti-acne products will be effective.

Popular acne remedies

Anti-acne cosmetics contain anti-inflammatory and antibacterial components that help get rid of acne. Our review will help you choose the right skin care cosmetics for your face and body.

The rating of remedies for treating acne and pimples is topped by ointments. These are mainly pharmaceutical products. Let's look at the most effective ones:

  1. “Zinerit” is an ointment containing the antibiotic erythromycin, which destroys propionibacteria and streptococcus, as well as zinc, which dries the skin and reduces the intensity of secretion of the sebaceous glands. The product cleanses the surface of the skin, eliminates white pimples and blackheads, even if the area of ​​the rash is very large. People with dry and sensitive skin should use this ointment carefully. The course of treatment is 10-12 weeks.
    → Reviews of the cream “Zinerit” 1, 2
  2. Salicylic ointment is a medicine containing salicylic acid. Its concentration can reach 2%, 5%, or 10% and 60%. It has a pronounced antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect. Cleanser for purulent acne. It also helps brighten post-acne skin. The maximum duration of continuous use is up to 3 weeks.
    → Reviews of Salicylic ointment 1
  3. "Levomekol" is a medicine intended for the treatment of ulcers, rashes, and promotes rapid healing of the skin. Suitable for teenagers who often experience painful pimples on the forehead and other areas of the face. The active components of the ointment are methyluracil and chloramphenicol. They have a powerful anti-inflammatory and also antimicrobial effect. You need to use the product for 2-4 weeks.
  4. Erythromycin ointment - used in combination with other medications. The active ingredient erythromycin ED effectively fights purulent acne. The ointment should be used continuously for a maximum of a month.
  5. Sulfur ointment – ​​contains precipitated sulfur, which has a drying and antimicrobial effect. As a result of its use, it is possible to quickly get rid of acne and rashes, since the product reduces the intensity of subcutaneous fat production. The product is effective against subcutaneous acne. The sulfides contained in the ointment promote wound healing, which helps even out the skin. You need to apply the product for 2-3 weeks.
  6. Ichthyol ointment is a powerful acne remedy containing ichthyol. Its use provides comprehensive treatment, since the ointment quickly relieves inflammatory processes and minimizes the pain that occurs when internal acne appears. This is a spot treatment that is gently applied to the surface of the pimple to speed up its maturation. Use once a day until the problem is resolved.
  7. Synthomycin ointment is a cleanser that quickly relieves inflammation. Effective against ulcers, acne, rashes, small spots. Contains an antibiotic that destroys germs that cause acne. The duration of treatment with this ointment is a maximum of 5 days. This is an inexpensive remedy.

All anti-acne ointments are applied 1-2 times a day to cleansed skin. They should not be used more often, because pharmaceutical products contain active ingredients. When using them, side effects such as an allergic reaction, redness, swelling are possible, but they occur rarely. Acne ointments fall into the category of inexpensive products.

Acne gels have a light texture and are quickly absorbed. There are cosmetics and medications sold in pharmacies. Let's look at the most effective acne gels:

  1. "Effezel" is an effective gel that helps cure acne and pimples even at the most advanced stage. Contains baziron and differin, which quickly remove rashes, acne, promote healing and smoothing of the skin. It has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect, cleanses the skin surface well.
  2. "Dalacin" is a pharmaceutical anti-acne gel that contains the strong antibiotic clindamycin. This is a universal drug that copes with acne, pimples, blackheads, redness and other aesthetic defects. The effect of use appears after 2-4 weeks. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the doctor, but it should not exceed 5 weeks, since the body gets used to the action of this drug.
  3. "Metrogil" is a gel for red acne and rashes that has an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect. The active ingredient is metronidazole. This gel, in combination with other drugs, can be used to treat skin defects, as well as prevent their occurrence. The product is used for 3-6 weeks.
    → Reviews about “Metrogil” 1
  4. “Oxygel” is a gel that is suitable for the treatment of acne and acne of mild or moderate severity. The active ingredient in this drug is benzoyl peroxide. The product should be used carefully by those with sensitive skin, because when the gel gets on its surface it can cause burning and irritation. The duration of the course of use is a maximum of 2 weeks.
  5. "Skinoren Gel" - its active ingredient azelaic acid provides a bactericidal and drying effect. This remedy normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands, helps get rid of acne, pimples, blackheads. The gel effectively copes with even the most advanced stage of rashes, but you can use it for a maximum of 14 days, since it dries out the skin too much.
    → Reviews of “Skinoren Gel” 1, 2, 3

The gel is applied to cleansed skin several times a day.


Creams are very popular in the fight against acne. Consider the list of the most effective:

  1. “Differin” is a good cream for the face and body, containing adapalene, which fights acne and comedones. It is used for the treatment and prevention of acne and pore contamination.
  2. "Baziron" is the best acne remedy for dry skin. It provides not only an antibacterial effect, but also regulates the process of sebum secretion and well moisturizes the epidermis. The cream is more effective against acne and rashes. Duration of use is 3-3.5 months.
    → Reviews about “Baziron” 1, 2
  3. “Clean Skin” from Garnier is a cosmetic product for daily use that fights blackheads and red spots. Suitable for those with oily skin as it dries it out greatly. Dry skin may begin to peel after using this product for several days.
    → Reviews “Clean skin” from Garnier 1
  4. "Boro Plus" - consists of plant components: sandalwood, turmeric, aloe and other components. Has a good antibacterial and antiseptic effect. Used for the appearance of ulcers and rashes, suitable for teenagers and adults. The cream must be applied three times a day until the aesthetic defect disappears.

There are many acne creams on the market designed for daily skin care. They can be applied continuously for 1.5-2 months, after which you should take a break and start using another cosmetic product. This will help avoid addiction. That is why it is advisable to look for several options at once so that you can alternate them - a review of acne creams for different skin types can be found here.

Other acne remedies

  1. Ducray Keraknil mask has a triple effect: absorbs excess sebum, cleanses pores and prevents them from getting dirty. Consists of clay, polyhydroxy acid, microparticles of wax. The mask is applied twice a week for 5 minutes. Its regular use eliminates acne and ulcers.
  2. Payot cleansing paste is intended for the treatment of subcutaneous acne. Contains lanolin. The product is applied to cleansed skin before bed. You need to attach a patch on top, and in the morning remove it and wash. 3-5 applications are enough for the subcutaneous pimple to disappear. The product may cause peeling of the skin.
    → Reviews of Payot 1 Cleansing Paste
  3. StopProblem healing and concealing corrector is an antibacterial agent containing salicylic acid, which dries out pimples. Flesh-colored concealer is applied over the pimple to disguise the breakout. At the same time, the active components of the drug promote the resorption of the abscess and cleansing of the pores. After 2-4 days of regular application, the pimple disappears.

If you list the most effective remedies for acne, the top 10 will definitely include Differin, salicylic ointment, Skinoren Gel, Baziron, Keraknil Ducray, ichthyol ointment, Zinerit, Boro Plus, StopProblem, "Oxygel".

How to choose the right product for you

To choose a good external remedy for cleansing skin from rashes, you need to consider a number of parameters. The main ones:

  1. Why do acne appear? If their formation is caused by excessive expansion of pores, you need products that narrow them. When the reason is the presence of certain bacteria on the skin, antibacterial creams and ointments will help.
  2. Skin type – it is important that the cosmetic product matches your skin type. Drying products are suitable for oily skin, but for dry skin they will be too aggressive. The use of skin care cosmetics that are not suitable for a specific skin type can aggravate aesthetic problems. You should especially carefully select products for sensitive skin types. They must certainly have a soft effect.
  3. If you have allergies, it is better to give preference to hypoallergenic products.
  4. Good creams do not contain petroleum products, as well as synthetic additives and artificial flavors. Their presence can further irritate the skin, causing new rashes to appear.

It is very important that anti-acne products do not clog pores, otherwise the skin will receive insufficient oxygen, and this worsens its condition, appearance, and contributes to the spread of rashes.

This effective remedy helps against acne because it acts comprehensively. It provides good cleansing, relieves inflammation, has an antibacterial and drying effect. The drugs also reduce sebum production and tighten pores, resulting in the removal of acne. The skin becomes healthy and well-groomed. The main thing is to choose a product that suits your skin type and switch to a balanced diet.

Using topical acne treatments provides only 50-60% of the results. Otherwise, the effectiveness of treatment is determined by the state of health and lifestyle.

A sudden pimple shouldn't ruin your mood or ruin your plans for the evening. Special means can help you deal with it quickly. Let's tell you more about them.

  1. Why do acne appear?
  2. Myths about getting rid of acne
  3. How to camouflage a pimple
  4. 3 cosmetic SOS remedies for acne
  5. Acne on the body: how to deal with it

Why do acne appear?

Pimples, acne, acne - this problem has many names and one mechanism of occurrence. This is an inflammatory process in the pilosebaceous follicles:

  1. when sebum is overproduced, the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland becomes clogged;
  2. in the resulting plug, anaerobic conditions are created, ideal for the proliferation of many bacteria;
  3. inflammation begins.

And we are saddened to see its unsightly ending - papules (red bumps on the skin) and pustules (pimples with purulent heads).

As a rule, the appearance of acne is associated with various factors, such as:

  1. changes in the functioning of the hormonal system or fluctuations in hormonal levels (puberty, certain phases of the cycle, pregnancy);
  2. genetic predisposition;
  3. diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, thyroid gland;
  4. unhealthy lifestyle: unbalanced diet, lack of sleep, bad habits;
  5. improper skin care, including excessive;
  6. violation of hygiene rules;
  7. nervous overload: the stress hormone cortisol activates the sebaceous glands.

Use green and beige concealer to camouflage the pimple. © iStock

Myths about getting rid of acne

As you might have guessed, in this paragraph we will list tips that you should NOT follow if you want to quickly neutralize a pimple. There are plenty of them in Internet sources, and it is better not to pay attention to them.

Apply warming agent

On the one hand, this should help the pimple “ripen”. On the other hand, intentionally causing suppuration means causing additional inflammation and the risk of more extensive skin infection. That is why cosmetologists categorically do not recommend using the previously popular ichthyol ointment or Levomekol.

“Cauterize” with salicylic acid

Apply ice

Low temperatures help relieve inflammation. However, there is a high risk of putting the skin under stress and/or injury. If you decide to take this step, wrap an ice cube in a soft, clean cloth and apply it to the pimple for no more than 20–30 seconds.

Apply a couple of drops to the eyes and nose

They certainly cannot treat acne. But they have a vasoconstrictor effect, so they will relieve redness and quite possibly reduce the size of the tubercle.

Use alcohol, acids, alkalis

All kinds of local cauterization are undesirable for everyone and are simply categorically not suitable for adults. In teenagers, the skin regenerates quite easily, but in those who are older, it does not. After such manipulations, traces or even scars are guaranteed in the future.

Apply tea tree oil

According to cosmetologists, an effective and safe means of combating acne should contain keratolytics (exfoliating agents) and antibacterial components.

Low temperatures help relieve inflammation. However, there is a high risk of putting the skin under stress and/or injury. © iStock

How to camouflage a pimple

Remembering the sequence of actions will not be difficult. They are all very simple and easy to do.

Cleanse your skin with a mild product (micellar water, for example).

Apply a cream with bactericidal properties (see below).

Apply a foundation slightly lighter than what you usually use.

If the pimple is red, put a dot on it with a green corrector.

Apply a beige corrector or concealer on top (as we remember, concealers have only natural colors) and gently blend.

A pimple with a purulent head should not be disturbed by touching a stick or pencil, so as not to disrupt the integrity of the skin. Only delicate cream textures are suitable.

3 cosmetic SOS remedies for acne

Corrective cream-gel for problem skin against imperfections and acne Effackar Duo (+), La Roche-Posay

By adding active ingredients such as Aqua Posae Filiformis and Mannose, the cream restores the skin microbiome, which helps reduce the number of inflammations that appear. Light in texture, it moisturizes the skin and provides it with a long-lasting mattifying effect.

Cream-gel for problem skin with the first signs of aging Normaderm, Vichy

Thanks to the combination of lipo-hydroxy acid and glycolic acid, the cream eliminates such imperfections of oily problem skin as clogged pores, inflammatory elements, and oily shine. Vitamin C in the product enhances collagen synthesis, increasing skin tone and evening out its tone.

Remedy for local skin imperfections Breakout Control Targeted Blemish Spot Treatment, Kiehl’s

Thanks to the high concentration of sulfur and AHA acids, it acts as a local rapid response agent and a regulator of sebum production. Apply a thin layer to pimples after cleansing the skin 1-3 times a day.

Attention! AHA acids increase the skin's sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation, so use sunscreen even a week after finishing treatment.

Acne on the body: how to deal with it

As for acne on the body, the reason for its appearance is the same as for rashes on the face. This means that the methods of control and prevention coincide. One “but”: you shouldn’t camouflage pimples on your body. Considering the friction factor of clothing, camouflage products can cause inflammation.

And be more careful when choosing care products: shower gels should be soft, exfoliants should be gentle, creams and lotions should be hypoallergenic.