Hand skin problem

Like any other part of our body, the skin of our hands can be subject to certain diseases. Of course, this is due to poor nutrition, lack of proper care, and the environment. Often problems with hands arise due to non-compliance with skin care measures (women often forget about gloves for housework and mittens in winter). Today we will talk about the most common hand diseases and how to treat them.


Dry, tight hand skin

Such problems with the skin of the hands appear due to careless hand care. If your hands are not dried after washing, the remaining moisture will evaporate and dry out your skin. Frequent blow-drying is also harmful. In addition, such skin is congenital. Use creams and lotions with plenty of moisturizing elements, such as glycerin, sorbitol, lactic acid.


Rough hands are a consequence of lack of moisture and fat. To treat a similar hand disease, if a rich cream does not help, try olive oil masks with a drop of lemon juice. A milk decoction of flax seed also helps (1 tablespoon of flax seed per 1 glass of milk, boil).


Chapped skin

Dry cold winds and cold water destroy the natural fat barrier. Peeling skin can be removed using facial or hand scrubs (it is recommended to do the procedure twice a week). Also, if you have this problem with your hands, use exfoliating masks and peels. For daily care, creams with moisturizing and moisture-retaining components (mineral oils, silicone) are suitable. And most importantly, protect your hands from the cold.


Cracks on hands

One of the most unpleasant hand diseases is cracks. This problem appears on the hands if the chapped skin is not treated in time. Cracks are a professional problem for those who have to wash their hands frequently as part of their work - hairdressers, doctors, cleaners. But they can also be a symptom of some skin diseases: eczema, psoriasis, allergies. How to deal with this hand disease? First, consult a dermatologist, then select a cream with emollient additives (allantoin, aloe or panthenol), apply it at night and wear cotton gloves. Cortisone ointment has a therapeutic effect.

What to do if your hands are red

Typically, red hands are a consequence of frostbite on the hands or evidence of poor circulation, but they can also be a sign of an internal disease.

For this hand problem, daily contrast baths are recommended - cold and hot. Hands are first immersed in hot water for half a minute, then in cold water. The procedure is repeated from several times to several dozen times. Then the hands are wiped and lubricated with camphor ointment. If a hot bath (35-38 °C) is made from an infusion of calamus tubers and nettles (2 tablespoons of each plant per 1 liter of water), and a cold bath is made from a decoction of oak bark (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water), the effect will be procedures will intensify. Place your hands in a hot bath for 30 seconds, and then in a cold one - and so on for 16-20 changes. In the evening, be sure to massage your hands with a nourishing cream containing vitamins and medicinal herbs.

Baths made from oak bark decoction also help. During evening care for such hands, a massage is done with a nourishing cream containing lemon juice or glycerin or both components. A good effect is also observed when using creams containing vitamins A and D. And of course, you need to get used to wearing gloves in cold weather.

Reddened skin will quickly return to a healthy appearance if you rub the following mixture into it overnight: glycerin, lemon juice, ammonia and cologne, taken in equal quantities.


Blue hands problem

This problem with the hands can arise as a result of frostbite, or - in young girls - as a manifestation of hormonal disorders. Therefore, it is better to consult a doctor first. If the cause is frostbite, then the same procedures as for red hands should help. We talked about this a little higher.

Skin spots

An aesthetically unpleasant disease is spots on the hands. Another name for uneven pigmentation, it usually occurs from overexposure to ultraviolet rays, but spots from smoking and aging can occur. Under the influence of all these factors, the components that provide skin resistance - elastin and collagen - are destroyed. In addition, the skin becomes thin, like parchment, wrinkled, and the risk of skin cancer increases.


If you have a hand problem such as significant sweating, you should consult a doctor. In general, it is worth keeping in mind that this problem is exacerbated by the use of any fatty cream. How to cope with this hand skin disease? To reduce sweating, special aerosol and solid deodorants are produced. Home remedies that help include five-minute baths of vinegar water (3 teaspoons of vinegar per glass of water) or lemon juice. It is useful to wipe your palms with an infusion of oak bark, sage leaves, birch leaves, and regular strong tea.


The problem with freckles on the hands is known to appear in the spring. And if they sometimes decorate some faces, then, as a rule, this disease does not cause delight in anyone on their hands.

You can remove them in a very simple and pleasant way. Take strawberries, cranberries, black and red currants and gooseberries. Grind it all in a bowl, apply it to the skin like a cream and leave for 5 minutes. Sprinkle what's left in the bowl with sugar and eat it to your health!

If the berries are still far away, but freckles have already appeared on the skin of your hands and spoil your mood, try washing your face with birch sap or a decoction of dandelion roots. Pour 2 tablespoons of chopped dandelion roots into 300 ml of boiling water. Let it sit for half an hour. Wipe your skin 2-3 times a day or apply lotions for 15-20 minutes. You can use decoctions and infusions of birch leaves and buds for compresses.

Elbow problems

The most common problems with the hands are the so-called “goose bumps” on the hands and roughness on the elbows. If the roughness of the elbows is slight, it may be enough to rub nourishing cream or glycerin into them several times. It is especially useful to do this after a bath.

It also helps the elbows, and to get rid of goose bumps, lightly massage the skin with fine table salt. Then the salt is washed off, the shoulders and elbows are wiped with a towel, and a rich cream or vegetable oil is rubbed into them. It is also recommended to rub salt with cream.

If a salt massage seems too radical a way to treat such a disease of the skin of the hands, try first after a shower to massage the problem areas with a terry mitten or a stiff brush. Then apply cream. But it is advisable to do this procedure daily.

If the skin on your elbows is very rough, apply onion paste to the rough areas and secure with adhesive tape. After 20 minutes, remove, scrape off the softened skin with a pumice stone, rinse with warm water and lubricate with sunflower oil.


The most effective procedures for rejuvenating hand skin

The skin of the hands is highly susceptible to adverse factors: weather conditions, household chemicals, hormonal fluctuations. After 25 years, the destruction of the natural lipid layer that protects the skin from dehydration begins, which leads to dryness, flaking, and decreased tone. After 30, the first signs of age-related changes appear: wrinkles and age spots. With the onset of menopause, the situation worsens: as a result of a deficiency of subcutaneous adipose tissue, the skin of the hands becomes covered with a network of fine wrinkles and becomes flabby, veins protrude on the surface, joints become more noticeable, and neoplasms can form.

Modern cosmetology successfully copes with all these problems, however, our cosmetologists recommend taking care of the condition of the skin of your hands in advance and regularly caring for it.

Main hand skin problems and ways to solve them


Problem 1. Dry skin and flaking

The cause of dry hand skin and flaking can be one of many factors - from improper care (or complete lack thereof) to hormonal disorders and skin diseases. First of all, you should pay attention to protecting your skin from aggressive household chemicals (use gloves), adverse environmental factors (keep your hands warm in winter, and apply sunscreen in summer), as well as regularly nourish and moisturize your skin with cosmetics. These can be either store-bought creams and masks, or home remedies based on herbal ingredients.

Problem 2. Wrinkles and sagging skin


With age, the skin and subcutaneous fat layer become thinner, which leads to the formation of wrinkles and a decrease in skin tone and quality. Modern cosmetology allows you to solve these problems in several ways.

Mesotherapy — intradermal injections of cosmetic cocktails with various micronutrients. As a result, the epidermis is saturated with vitamins and amino acids, which leads to a significant improvement in skin quality and smooth out wrinkles.

Biorevitalization - injections of hyaluronic acid preparations - fills and smoothes existing wrinkles, stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, helps increase skin hydration, improve its texture and elasticity.

Laser correction - exposure to fractional laser - stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, reduces wrinkles, promotes lifting of the skin of the hands.

Problem 3: Pigmentation

Pigment spots on the hands can appear at any age, and there may be several reasons for this. Identification and elimination of the factor that caused pigmentation will entail the disappearance of unpleasant spots. Cosmetic products containing skin-lightening ingredients such as hydroquinone, kojic or fruit acids will help speed up this process. In addition, if you are prone to the formation of age spots, you should pay attention to protecting the skin of your hands from ultraviolet radiation and regularly use sunscreen during the warm season.


Age spots can be eliminated using several cosmetic procedures. The most popular means of combating hyperpigmentation are peelings. Another effective way to combat hyperpigmentation is phototherapy. The broadband intense pulsed light used in this technique stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, and also destroys melanin, which promotes overall skin rejuvenation, the disappearance of age spots and spider veins.

Problem 4: Protruding veins and joints

The main reason why veins and joints become more visible with age is lipodystrophy, or the depletion of subcutaneous fat. Replenishing its volume allows you to effectively correct this unaesthetic cosmetic defect. For this purpose, subcutaneous injections of filler or the patient’s own adipose tissue are used. In the first case, contour plastic surgery is performed using dermal fillers based on hyaluronic or polylactic acid or calcium hydroxyapatite. Depending on the drug used, the effect of the procedures lasts up to one and a half years. In the second case, the role of the filler is performed by the patient’s autologous adipose tissue; the procedure itself is more complex, but its results last up to three years.

Opinion of dermatologist and cosmetologist Svetlana Yurmina:


Since the skin of the hands often comes into contact with water, detergents, alcohol-containing antiseptics, and aggressive environmental factors, it constantly needs care and protection. Preventive cosmetic procedures for girls under 30 years old include superficial peelings and mesotherapy, in particular biorevitalization. These methods allow you to exfoliate the excess stratum corneum in a timely manner, normalize metabolic processes in the skin, prevent dehydration and the appearance of age spots, improve skin color, tone and turgor. From 30 to 40 years old, you can use procedures such as photorejuvenation and plasma therapy. The first will help remove existing age spots or dilated blood vessels, tighten the skin and even out its color. Here my choice is elos rejuvenation, which, together with the effects described above, provides pronounced lifting thanks to the bipolar RF energy contained in the technology. This procedure is ideally combined with plasma therapy, which allows you to use your own resources to spur all the necessary processes in the skin. After 40, I recommend radiofrequency fractional thermolysis and replenishment of lost volumes of subcutaneous fat using hyaluronic acid fillers.

A photo of hand skin dermatitis shows what kind of contact dangerous disease there is. Factors of relapse and effective methods of treating the affected epidermis will be determined by an experienced dermatologist. If you have any health problems, don’t put off going to the doctor until later. Detected dermatitis on the hands not only contributes to discomfort, but can develop into serious diseases. The main causes of manifestations and what hand dermatitis may look like can be found in this article on allergies.

Read more about the possible causes of hand skin problems.

The presence of dermatitis on the hands is indicated by characteristic redness and peeling of the surface of the epidermis of the elbows, hands and fingers. The main sources of discomfort will be revealed by the contact method of transmission of this allergenic manifestation. The pain occurs as a result of:

  1. washing clothes without gloves or lack of a washing machine in the house;
  2. cleaning with more aggressive chemicals (without additional hand protection) than allowed by hygiene and sanitary standards;
  3. washing dishes without a dishwasher.

Not all sources of dangerous symptoms are listed. The disease can be cured after establishing direct exposure to irritants. Constantly taking care of your health, knowing first-hand about dermatitis on your fingers, you will undergo skin treatment quickly and effectively if you immediately contact a dermatologist.

Manifestations of diseases on the palms

The picture shows that it is necessary to begin treatment of dermatitis on the hands as soon as the contact type of the disease in question is detected. To keep your skin safe you will need:

  1. Remove all chemicals that cause redness, itching, and severe dryness of the epidermis.
  2. Eliminate the identified causes, as a result of which dermatitis on the hands can manifest itself in the form of pustules and watery blisters.
  3. Do not allow damaged areas to form a specific crust.

If the problem is not solved in time, then the topic - how dermatitis on damaged skin of the hands is cured - will turn into more serious problems. Not only does the crust look terrible, but also the resulting cracks! To eliminate allergic manifestations of the epidermis, if it is a dry surface that requires more careful treatment of the skin, it is necessary to immediately get rid of aggressive chemicals.

You shouldn’t let the problem get worse so that the skin, instead of painful cracks or ulcers, begins to form scars. Creams will not help here, and with hand dermatitis, other health problems most often develop, turning into chronic manifestations of the body.

Characteristic manifestations of atopy in allergic diseases of the body

When considering the specifics of the disease, do not forget that for the health of your hands and fingers, you need to know the main manifestations of atopic dermatitis. It refers to chronic allergies that can develop in individuals with a genetic predisposition to such manifestations. Can be diagnosed:

  1. contact type of dermatitis on the hands;
  2. recurrent course of such manifestations;
  3. age-related feature in the clinical manifestations of the patient under study.

To prevent the resulting dermatitis on the hands from developing into chronic or seasonal allergy symptoms, it is important to notice changes on the body in time. This is not always a contact allergen and, when identifying the main cause of the developing manifestation, it is important:

  1. establish reactions to specific (allergenic) and nonspecific irritants;
  2. analyze the level of hypersensitivity of the body.

The palm is affected by dermatitis

Manifested dermatitis between the fingers is evidence that the organ is no longer able to sufficiently provide protection to the surface layer of the body. Skin reactions can also occur when the upper extremities are constantly exposed to cold or chlorinated water. This is especially noticeable on dry surfaces. Therefore, when it is necessary to confirm the presence of dermatitis on the hands for effective treatment in the clinic, it is recommended to undergo a full examination of the body.

A dermatologist will help you identify the existing causes when you take the tests and complete the prescribed examination. Dangerous skin diseases, including the surface of the hands, when dermatitis is detected, must be properly treated. Being alert and careful will help you avoid severe or chronic allergies. Any rash, burning, peeling, severe itching that appears can be treated with antihistamines or antiseptics prescribed by your doctor.

Dry skin: how to deal with similar hand problems?

Knowing the body’s predisposition to chemicals, working in hazardous industries, in order to avoid dermatitis on the hands, it is recommended to follow everyday hygiene rules, adhere to basic safety regulations, and monitor your health. It is very important for those people who have to work in paint and varnish or furniture production, chemical plants, in workshops that produce household and special chemicals, where medications and synthetic substances are produced. In this case, you definitely cannot do without special protective equipment, including gloves, if you adhere to safety rules and fully comply with labor protection conditions.

If you notice dry dermatitis on your hands, you will have to:

  1. use an antihistamine immediately;
  2. to promptly eliminate the symptoms of allergic manifestations, use the medications prescribed by your doctor (ointment or cream);
  3. diversify your diet to improve overall immunity.

The identified disease is quickly localized: sulfur-tar ointment or flucinar.

Damage to dermatitis

For the skin of the hands, treatment of specific dermatitis prescribed by a doctor will support the damaged skin, normalizing the insufficient functionality of the affected organ. The manifested reaction may not be caused by the condition of the dry surface of the epidermis, but by malfunctions of the kidneys, stomach, intestines, and gall bladder. The hand looks different if a skin analysis reveals diabetes mellitus or a malfunction of the thyroid gland.

For contact dermatitis of the hands, treatment is carried out in full accordance with the prescribed medications and the course established by the dermatologist. The provoking factors of the contact type of this allergy must be completely eliminated. If the patient has specific symptoms of household chemicals, it is necessary to replace the products. Use natural remedies, certified products.

What to do if you have a hereditary predisposition to allergies?

For normal skin manifestations, there are many ways to respond in a timely manner to the created state of the damaged dermis layer. Any allergic reaction is directly related to the immune system, and this indicates that in the event of dermatitis on the fingers, a specialist will be able to promptly:

  1. identify and eliminate direct irritants;
  2. avoid eczema formation and scar formation;
  3. create the proper level of protection for the skin of not only the hands.

In weakened skin, irritants include: cosmetics, any wardrobe items, all kinds of jewelry, often worn on the fingers and wrists. Avoid allergies to low-quality jewelry and fashion jewelry. It is recommended to purchase items made from environmentally friendly materials, natural ingredients and neutral components.

Allergic reactions on the hands and fingers can occur as a result of frostbite, burns or exposure to ultraviolet radiation. You should not make hasty conclusions if the dermis suddenly turns red, minor irritations and small blisters are detected. There are periods of exacerbation. Most often, dermatitis on the hands appears on unprotected areas:

  1. areas between the fingers;
  2. areas close to nails and cuticles;
  3. palms and wrist areas.

Pollution accumulates near sensitive areas and pockets of harmful substances form. When working in hazardous industries, doing everyday life (laundry, cleaning, washing), it is necessary to constantly eliminate the remains of chemicals and reagents. Diseases of the dermis are often provoked by: cold and high temperatures of water or air, the effect of steaming.

Rash in the wrist area

Hereditary predisposition in children and adults should be accompanied by appropriate precautions. People who have been diagnosed with dermatitis or skin allergies have to especially carefully select appropriate accessories for their hands, jewelry, so that there is no relapse, all kinds of rashes, and swelling. Toxins and other “provocateurs” that contribute to allergic reactions play a big role. You must learn to identify risks while avoiding discomfort. In the future, you will not “earn” a chronic form of specific manifestations.