Salping manipulator Ear

Salpingomanipulators are instruments used in medicine to perform various operations on the pelvic organs. They are surgical instruments that are used to manipulate and remove pelvic organs such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes and uterus.

One of the most common types of salping manipulators is the ear salping manipulator. It is an instrument that is used to remove the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The ear salpingomanipulator consists of two parts: a handle and a working part. The handle has a shape that allows you to comfortably hold the instrument during surgery. The working part has the shape of a cone and can be of different lengths and diameters.

To perform an operation using an ear salpingomanipulator, the surgeon inserts it into the pelvic cavity through the vagina or an incision in the abdominal wall. He then begins to manipulate the instrument to remove the ovaries and fallopian tubes. After removing the organs, the surgeon checks their condition and removes any remaining tissue.

The auricular salpingomanipulator is one of the safest instruments for operations on the pelvic organs, since it does not require incisions in the abdominal wall and does not damage neighboring organs. However, like any other surgical instrument, it can cause complications such as bleeding or infection. Therefore, before using an ear salpingomanipulator, it is necessary to conduct thorough preparation and training of the surgeon.

In conclusion, the auricular salpingomanipulator is an important tool for pelvic surgery. It allows you to remove the ovaries and fallopian tubes safely and effectively. However, careful training and preparation of the surgeon is necessary before using this instrument.

A salpingomanipulator is a medical device that is used to remove adhesions and other formations in the fallopian tubes. It consists of two main parts - a metal rod and a plastic nozzle. The rod is inserted into the fallopian tube through the vagina, and the attachment at the end allows precise control of the movement of the device.

The procedure for removing adhesions is performed under general anesthesia. The doctor inserts the device into the fallopian tube and begins to slowly move it along the tube, removing adhesions or other formations. The process can take from 15 to 30 minutes depending on the complexity of the case.

After the procedure, the patient may experience discomfort and pain for several days. However, in most cases, recovery after the procedure is quick and without complications.

Salpingomanipulation is a safe and effective method of treating adhesions in the fallopian tubes, which allows preserving a woman’s reproductive function. It is widely used in gynecological practice and can be recommended for women who want to preserve their fertility and avoid surgery on the ovaries or fallopian tubes.