Bacteriostasis Cultural

Cultural bacteriostasis is a phenomenon when in a number of types of bacteria the simultaneous manifestation of three changes is observed: a) viability (immortality) of bacteria; b) reducing the number of bacteria (competitive respiration); c) maintaining their environmental quality.

This state of population was called bacteriostasis

Cultural bacteriostasis is one of the most important mechanisms for protecting bacteria from the effects of various environmental factors, such as antibiotics, stressful conditions, pathogenic microorganisms, etc. In the article we will consider the concept of cultural bacteriostasis and its mechanisms.

Bacteriostasis is a state of resistance of a bacterium when it does not grow or reproduce due to unfavorable conditions. Some bacteria may be in a state of bacteriostasis for various reasons, for example, they may wait out unfavorable conditions or consume all available resources in the environment. But bacteriostasis can also be caused by active mechanisms such as the formation of extracellular polymers,