Rearmost Field

What is "Backmost Field"?

In neuroscience and neurology, the posterior part of the cerebral cortex is known as the "posteriormost field" or (Area postrema). Its main function is to send pain signals. It is located at the back of the brain and is associated with areas of the brain that control important functions such as breathing, muscle tone, temperature and blood pressure homeostasis.

At the front of the human brain there are special areas called Broca's and Wernicke's areas. They are responsible for speech, understanding words and creating various sentences. However, in the back of the brain there is an area called the "posterior field" or area "n". postrema". It still remains a little-studied part of the brain, but researchers are increasingly paying attention to it, especially when it comes to psychosomatic diseases.

What is the "rearmost field"? The very name of this “field” was coined by Alfred Adler in 1938. He used this expression to explain that this area of ​​the brain is located far behind the speech control centers, that is, as a “field” that is away from the center. As a result, with disorders of the posterior field, with the exception of strong emotional manifestations, patients are not able to fully express their emotions and sensations through speech and language. At the moment, this theory is not recognized by the scientific community, since it is not