
Sanasol is a drug that is used to regulate water and electrolyte balance in the body. It is produced in Russia and is part of the pharmacological group of drugs that regulate water and electrolyte balance.

Most drugs in this group help maintain normal electrolyte composition of the blood and increase osmotic pressure, that is, they enhance the filtration of water and nutrients in the blood vessels and help correct the water-salt balance of the fluid. Most often, these medications are prescribed for diseases associated with disorders of the kidneys or liver, such as hypertension, nephritis, glaucoma and others. The main active ingredient of the drug Sanasol is a sodium diuretic. This drug has a powerful diuretic effect by removing excess fluid and electrolytes from the body, helping to normalize blood volume. Taking Sanasol may be accompanied by various side effects, which may arise at least due to the fact that they will not drink less, but will do as before - before taking the pill; and due to an overdose or intolerance to one of the components of the drug. As a precaution, it is important to follow the doctor's recommendations, dosage and method of use indicated in the instructions for the drug. In case of any adverse reactions or doubts about its effectiveness, you should consult a specialist.