Sandarak, Or Kashshtris

Sandarak, or kashtris, is a resinous product obtained from cuts in the bark of trees of the cypress family (Cupressaceae). This small shrub with glandular tunnels under the top layer of bark is native to North Africa and has been used for centuries in medicine and other industries.

The pharmaceutical name of sandarac - Resina sandaraca - indicates its use in medicine. It contains resin acids and some essential oil, which give it antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. In the past, this product was used to make adhesives and dental elixirs.

Sandarak also finds application in other areas. For example, it is used in the varnish industry to add shine and protect surfaces from water and dust. It is also used in cosmetics such as lipsticks and mascara to make them durable and water-repellent.

Despite the widespread use of sandarac, its use in some areas has been limited due to its toxicity. Sandarak can cause irritation to the skin and respiratory tract, so care must be taken when working with it.

In general, sandarak is a universal product that has found application in medicine, the paint and varnish industry and cosmetics. Its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties make it a valuable ingredient for treating wounds and other skin problems. However, before using sandarak, you must ensure its safety and take the necessary precautions.