Newborn Care Basics

The birth of a child is an event that changes the life of parents forever. One of the most important aspects of a new life is caring for the baby. Caring for a newborn may seem complicated and confusing, but it is not. In this article we will talk about the basic principles of caring for your baby that will help you cope with this task.

Newborn Care Basics

The nurse and caregiver who will help you after birth will teach you basic techniques for caring for your newborn. However, in addition to this, you can attend childbirth preparation courses, where you will be told how to properly care for your baby. Don't be shy to ask questions, even if they seem stupid to you.

The child care regime should not be rigid and set by the hour. You can bathe your baby during the day or skip bathing altogether if you think it's best for your baby. You don't have to strictly follow the schedule suggested by your healthcare providers. You will find the best child care regimen that suits your needs.

Fresh air is one of the most important factors in the health of a newborn. It is important to provide your child with oxygen, so do not leave him in a smoky room. Every day you can walk with your baby outside using a special backpack with internal padding for children. If you don't have such a backpack, you can use a "handkerchief" in which you can carry your baby right from birth.

Hypothermia and overheating are serious problems that a newborn can face. To avoid these problems, pay attention to your baby's body temperature. Usually the feet and palms of newborns are slightly cooler than the body. But this does not mean that the child is freezing. If you want to know how your baby feels, touch his neck.

Particular attention should be paid to caring for the baby’s nose and ears. Never pick at them with a cotton swab. To clean the nose and ears, use a rolled-up cotton wool or the corner of a wash mitt. In the first weeks of life, there is no need to trim your baby’s fingernails and toenails. They will break off on their own. But if your baby often scratches himself, you can use nail scissors.

You can use alcohol solutions to treat your baby's navel. However, do not use talc unless necessary, and if you must, choose talc without perfume additives. After bathing, be sure to dry all skin folds, armpits, and groin of your child.


The main thing in caring for a newborn is love and attention. Find your own baby care routine that suits you and your baby's needs. Maintain hygiene, provide fresh air and avoid overheating or hypothermia. By following these simple tips, you can give your child a caring and healthy start in life.