
Sangesik is a drug that belongs to the group of narcotic analgesics. It is produced in India by the pharmaceutical company Rusan Pharma. The international name of the drug is Buprenorphene, and its manufacturers are Rusan Pharma (India). Sangesik is available in the form of sublingual tablets 0.2 mg and solution for injection with a dosage of 0.3 mg.

**Composition** The main active ingredients of Sangesik are buprenorantine and bupreny hydrochloride. The drug is used as an analgesic for various pain syndromes, such as post-operative pain, pain in cancer patients, skin lesions, myocardial infarction, kidney disease and burns. It is also possible to use it for severe pain due to malignant tumors, chronic renal and liver failure.

**Contraindications** The medication has a number of contraindications for use. Its use is not recommended: - in patients with an increased risk of suffocation or with a severely depressed nervous system; - people with seizures