Sanitation Partial

Partial sanitary treatment (S.O.P.) is a set of measures aimed at the prevention and treatment of diseases transmitted through contact with contaminated people and objects. Within the framework of S.O. h. only washing of people, disinfection (disinsection) of their clothes and shoes is carried out, which reduces the risk of infection.

First of all, S.O. h is recommended for pediculosis, as it can be transmitted through contact with hair and clothing. Washing your hair and body removes parasites and reduces the risk of re-infection. In addition, S.O. h helps prevent the spread of infections that can be caused by bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms.

Disinfection (disinsection) of clothing and shoes is also important, as it allows you to remove all microorganisms and insects that may be on the surface. This is especially important for those who frequently come into contact with other people or work in public places.

S.O. h. is one of the main methods of prevention and treatment of various diseases. It helps prevent the spread of infections and keep people healthy. It is important to remember that S.O. h should be carried out regularly, especially after visiting public places or contact with infected people.

Sanitation (partial) is a procedure that is carried out to prevent the spread of infections and diseases in public places. They include washing people, disinfecting their clothes and shoes.

Why is sanitization necessary? 1. Prevention of infections. In public places such as hospitals, kindergartens, schools and other institutions, regular cleaning and cleaning of premises is carried out to prevent the spread of infections. This helps protect people's health and safety. 2. Treatment of hair and nails. If a person has insect infestations such as lice or mites, they should periodically treat their hair and nails to prevent transmission of the infection. 3