Sanitary Control Post

A sanitary control post (SCP) is an organization that monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards in various fields, such as production, transport, healthcare, etc. They play an important role in ensuring the safety of society as a whole and preventing the spread of infectious diseases.

The sanitary control post exercises control and supervision over industrial and consumer goods, as well as over the conditions of their transportation and storage. They check product compliance with sanitary standards, and also monitor the quality of drinking water and air.

UPCs also play an important role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases. During epidemics, they strengthen control over compliance with sanitary rules and carry out preventive measures to prevent the spread of infections. They also monitor compliance with quarantine and organize disinfection of premises and vehicles.

In Russia, sanitary control posts are created in crowded places or at state borders to control the entry and exit of citizens. Also, SKP can be created on the territory of enterprises and organizations to control production processes.

The sanitary control post is an important component of the system for ensuring the safety and health of the population. They play an important role in preventing the spread of infectious diseases and controlling product quality. The work of SKP requires high qualifications and responsibility, since the health and lives of many people depend on their work.