Sapezhko Operation

Sapezhko operation is a surgical operation developed by the domestic surgeon Konstantin Sapezhko in the 19th century. The operation is named after its author, but it is also known as the “Millingen-Sapezhko method.”

Sapezhko surgery is used to treat various diseases associated with the kidneys and urinary tract. It involves removing stones from the kidneys or bladder through surgery.

The operation is performed under general anesthesia and usually takes about 40-60 minutes, depending on the complexity of the disease. After the operation, the patient remains in the hospital for several days to monitor his condition.

One of the main advantages of the sapezhko operation is its effectiveness in removing stones. Due to its precision and accuracy, it allows you to remove stones without damaging surrounding tissues and organs. In addition, the operation has a low risk of complications and relapses.

However, like any other operation, Sapezhko surgery may have some risks and complications. These include bleeding, infection, tissue damage, and others. Therefore, before undergoing surgery, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and consultation with a doctor.

In general, Sapezhko surgery is an effective and safe way to treat kidney and urinary tract diseases. It allows you to remove stones with high precision and a low risk of complications. However, as with any other surgery, you must follow all your doctor's recommendations and follow his instructions to achieve the best results.

Sapezhko Operation: Perspectives and History

Sapezhko operation, also known as the Millingen-Sapezhko method, is one of the significant surgical procedures developed by the Russian surgeon K.M. Sapezhko in the 19th century. This method is used in the field of surgery to treat certain pathological conditions, especially those related to problems in the gallbladder and bile ducts.

Historical context

In the 19th century, surgery was at the stage of active development. The medical community began to realize the importance of surgical interventions and gradually discovered new treatment methods. K.M. Sapezhko, a Russian surgeon of the time, contributed to the development of surgery by proposing a new procedure that became known as the Sapezhko operation.

Essence of the method

Sapezhko surgery was developed for the treatment of cholelithiasis, namely to remove stones from the gallbladder and bile ducts. The procedure involves removing the gallbladder, which is the main source of the problem, and creating a new path for bile to flow out of the liver.

The operation is performed by creating a connection between the hepatic bile ducts and the small intestine. This new pathway allows bile to bypass the removed gallbladder and continue on its way to the intestines. Thus, the procedure ensures normal outflow of bile, eliminating the problem associated with the presence of stones.

Prospects and benefits

Sapezhko surgery has several advantages compared to other methods of treating gallstone disease. Firstly, it allows you to completely eliminate the problem of stones in the bile ducts, which significantly reduces the risk of recurrent formations. Secondly, the procedure minimizes the risk of complications associated with gallbladder removal.

In addition, Sapezhko surgery can be performed either as an open surgical procedure or using laparoscopic methods, which helps reduce the patient’s recovery time and reduce the risk of postoperative complications. This makes the Millingen-Sapezhko method attractive to patients and surgeons.


Sapezhko operation developed by K.M. Sapezhko in the 19th century, remains an important procedure in the field of surgery. Its use in the treatment of cholelithiasis can successfully eliminate the problem of stones and restore the normal flow of bile. Due to its advantages, such as the minimal risk of stone recurrence and the ability to perform both open and laparoscopic surgery, the Millingen-Sapezhko method remains an important tool for many surgeons.

However, as with all surgical procedures, Sapezhko surgery has its limitations and potential complications that must be considered and discussed with the patient before deciding to proceed with surgery.

Overall, the Sapezhko operation continues to play an important role in the field of surgery and serves as an effective method for the treatment of cholelithiasis. Due to its benefits and promise, it remains an option for patients suffering from this disease and continues to evolve with modern technologies and approaches in medicine.