Sarcoma Synovial

Synovial sarcoma is a malignant tumor that develops from the synovium of the joints. It can occur in any joint, but most often affects the knee joint.

Symptoms of synovial sarcoma may include pain, swelling, redness, and limited joint motion. As the disease progresses, metastases may appear in other organs.

Treatment for synovial sarcoma includes surgical removal of the tumor, chemotherapy and radiation therapy. In some cases, amputation of the joint may be required.

The prognosis for synovial sarcoma depends on the stage of the disease and treatment methods. Overall, the five-year survival rate is about 30-40%.

Sarcoma is a group of malignant tumors of various types originating from the connective tissue or mesenchyme of the body. Sarcomas can affect any part of the body - from the skin and muscles to the bones, viscera and lymphatic system. Some sarcomas have a high rate of growth and spread, which makes them very dangerous to health. Today we will look at one type of sarcoma - synovial s**arcoma. **

Synovial sarcoma is a rare type of malignant tumor that develops in a joint sac, muscle or ligament. Although sarcoma is a rare cancer, it is important to study because it poses a serious threat to human life.

**How ​​does it work?**

The general process of sarcoma development is the absorption of a living cell and its transformation into a tumor. Excessive cell growth can lead to tumors, which can grow quickly and cause severe symptoms.

The development of synovial sarcoma is based on uncontrolled cell proliferation (reproduction), which accelerates the growth and spread of the tumor. The tumors usually involve the synovial sac and cause widespread swelling. They often return to cancer, causing sac cancer.

Some types of sarcoma do not have any symptoms until they reach the second stage of progression. This may take many years.

The course of sarcoma can be slow and may continue for many years. Symptoms include pain, swelling, swelling and fever. Sometimes sarcoma is difficult to distinguish from

Synovial sarcoma is a malignant tumor that develops from the synovium of the joint or other tissues. It is characterized by aggressive growth and rapid metastasis. However, with timely detection and treatment, good results can be achieved.

Synovial sarcoma is one of the most common forms of bone sarcoma. She