
Sassaparilla: description, properties and application

Sassaparilla is an apothecary product obtained from the roots of a shrub that grows in the Central American countries of Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador. This shrub is tall and climbing, and its rhizome is powerful, from which numerous roots extend about a meter in length. The stems of sarsaparilla are covered with thorns, and the leaves reach a length of 35 cm, are heart-shaped and have a 3-7 cm petiole, the base of which expands in the form of a vagina; here, individually curved thorns extend in both directions. The white flowers are collected in umbels, and the fruits are round red berries.

The sarsaparilla roots are dug up and separated from the knobby rhizome. They are then cut into 50-75 cm pieces and air dried. After drying, the roots become flexible and have a thickness of 3-5 mm. They are bundled and packed into bales.

The active ingredients of sarsaparilla include saponins, glycosides, sitosterin and a number of other substances. Previously, this pharmaceutical product was considered an excellent remedy against syphilis, and was also used as a blood purifier. To this day, sarsaparilla roots serve as an integral part of many blood cleansing teas.

Recently, sarsaparilla has been used in the form of tea and in various tea mixtures to treat psoriasis. Information about the effectiveness of such teas is very contradictory. Some authors report very significant success, while others consider this remedy ineffective. However, since psoriasis is very difficult to treat, sarsaparilla tea may be recommended in addition to other measures.

Sassaparilla also finds use in homeopathy. The homeopathic remedy Sarsaparilla is often used for rashes of various natures, accompanied by severe itching, especially psoriasis, eczema and thrush. They also try to use sarsaparilla for warts and furunculosis. Along with this, this remedy is used for gout and rheumatism, as well as for diseases of the bladder and kidneys. Preference is given to dilutions D1-D6, 5-10 drops every 3-5 hours.

Like all drugs with a large amount of saponins, sarsaparilla should not be overdosed, as it causes irritation to the mucous membrane of the digestive organs. Therefore, it is necessary to follow the dosage and recommendations of a specialist.

Overall, sarsaparilla is an interesting plant with many beneficial properties. However, despite its long history of medicinal use, some of its uses require further research and confirmation. Therefore, before using sarsaparilla as a remedy, you should consult a qualified doctor or homeopath.