Scarlatiniform fever Far Eastern

Far Eastern scarlet-like fever: symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Far Eastern scarlet fever (LSF) is a clinical form of pseudotuberculosis that presents with symptoms similar to scarlet fever. This disease is common in the Russian Far East, especially in the Primorsky Territory and Khabarovsk Territory. In this article we will look at the symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of LSD.

Symptoms of LSD

The main symptoms of LSD are increased body temperature, repeated chills, general intoxication, redness and swelling of the hands, as well as a widespread scarlet-like, roseola or hemorrhagic rash with subsequent peeling of the skin. Patients may also experience lymphadenopathy (enlarged lymph nodes), chest pain, and cough.

Diagnosis of LSD

To diagnose LSD, you must consult an infectious disease specialist. The doctor conducts a general examination of the patient and may also order laboratory tests, such as blood and sputum tests. In addition, a bacteriological culture of the sputum may be performed to determine the causative agent of the disease.

LSD treatment

Treatment with LSD should only be carried out under the supervision of an infectious disease specialist. Patients are usually prescribed antibacterial drugs such as azithromycin, doxycycline or rifampicin. In addition, antiviral drugs and drugs aimed at reducing body temperature may be prescribed. It is also important to stay in bed and drink plenty of fluids.


Far Eastern scarlatiniform fever is a serious disease that can lead to complications if not treated promptly. If you experience symptoms similar to LSD, be sure to consult an infectious disease doctor. Treatment should only be carried out under the supervision of a specialist to avoid complications and achieve a full recovery.