Scheuermann's Disease
Scheuermann's Disease is a spinal disease characterized by kyphotic deformity of the thoracic spine.
This disease was first described in 1921 by the Danish surgeon Holger Scheuermann, after whom it was named.
Scheuermann's disease develops due to disruption of the ossification process of the vertebral bodies. Normally, the vertebral bodies have a rectangular shape, but with this disease they take on a wedge-shaped shape, which leads to curvature of the spine.
Scheuermann's disease most often occurs in adolescents aged 10 to 18 years. The reasons are not completely clear; a hereditary predisposition and the influence of hormonal changes during puberty are assumed.
The main symptoms of Scheuermann's disease:
Back pain that gets worse with exercise
Progressive forward curvature of the back (hump)
Limitation of spinal mobility
Fatigue and weakness of the back muscles
Diagnosis is based on X-ray data of the spine.
Treatment in mild cases consists of wearing a special corset to unload the spine. Physical therapy, massage, and physiotherapy are also prescribed. In severe cases, surgery may be required to correct spinal deformity.
The prognosis with timely treatment is usually favorable. After the end of skeletal growth, the disease stops on its own, but residual changes in the vertebrae may persist.
Scheuermaans disease is a type of deforming osteoarthritis that occurs primarily in children and young adults. Refers to local lesions of the spine. Her hereditary predisposition has been established. There is no cure. In the early stages, there is, first of all, significant back pain, which intensifies during the day. Deforming osteoarthritis can persist for some time and even disappear without any treatment. But in most cases, a long-term illness leads to the fact that a person tries to avoid any physical activity. In some patients, due to
Scheuerman S disease: juvenile osteochondrosis of the spine according to Veld
Scheier's disease (osteochondrosis) is one of the types of **youthful spinal osteochondrosis according to Welda** - this is the destruction of the vertebral bodies caused by prolonged overstrain and stretching of the vertebral muscles. The statistical level of the disease is 25-30 cases per 1,000