Pulling drugs

An usshak should be applied to the place where the arrow stuck - it pulls out with great force - or they take reed roots, pound them and make a medicinal bandage out of them, sometimes they are pounded with honey or bread. They also take leaves of black poppy and fig leaves with oatmeal or henbane seeds, especially with kalkadis. They also use henbane as it is, or mallow in all its varieties, aristolochia and narcissus bulbs. Among animal medicines, many things are useful, including skinned frogs - this is a wonderful remedy if an arrow has stuck into a bone, and therefore they are also used to tear teeth. They also eat grated crayfish, lobsters, and all types of rennet; they say that the lizard pulls out with force if you crush it on the wound. From complex

medicines are taken from the head of a lizard with long aristolochia, reed roots and narcissus bulbs. As for special medicines for extracting damaged bones from long-lasting ulcers, we talk about this in the paragraph on bones.