Schizophrenia Slow onset

Schizophrenia is a mental illness that occurs as a result of a breakdown in one of the sections of the genetic chain. During illness, a person is completely deprived of emotional calm and practically does not perceive the world around him the way other people perceive it. At the moment, schizophrenics are excluded from society, considered lost and not acceptable for normal social interaction. This has led to the isolation of people with this disease, and people who are susceptible to schizophrenia often tempt fate and find themselves not accepted by society.

**Symptoms.** Unfortunately, you cannot determine what you are being told all the time. Most often, the presence of this disease can be determined by increased talkativeness or quite the opposite, by the patient’s almost complete isolation. The second big problem is the constant anxiety of patients about the implementation of any actions. Usually any dreams are about “hiding” in order to hide both from yourself and from others. From this we can discern the true basis. This manifests itself in the form of a desire to be busy, but still be alone, for example, writing a book, playing the guitar, etc. Naturally, this also causes a reluctance to communicate, even with the closest people. **Classification** Schizophrenia is divided into seven forms: simple form, paranoid

Schizophrenic schizophrenia.

Symptoms: Characterized by a gradual increase in disorders. At the initial stage, patients may experience feelings of irritability, depression, increased fatigue, periodic fear for no specific reason and slight changes in mood.

As the disease progresses, isolation appears