Sclerosis of the Nervous System, Diffuse

Sclerosis of the nervous system is a diffuse neurological disease in which peripheral nerve fibers are damaged. As a result of the pathology, neurological symptoms occur and malfunctions of the musculoskeletal system appear. The diffuse atrophic process covers only the peripheral nervous system, so it occurs without headache, nausea or loss of consciousness (in the cerebral form of the disease). In this regard, there is no general disruption of the body's functioning, although if larger nerve fibers are affected, the patient's health may deteriorate.

So what factors influence the occurrence of pathology? The pathogenesis of sclerosis of the nervous system has not been fully studied and experts identify only risk groups. So doctors say that sclerosis of nerve cells is formed as a result of:

disturbances of blood flow in small blood vessels of the brain; dysfunction

The human nervous system is a collection of many structures and tissues that ensure the transmission of nerve impulses from the brain to all parts of the body and back. One of the key functions of the nervous system is the ability to remember and store information, as well as respond to external stimuli. Diffuse sclerosis is a process