
Scrofula is caused by the presence of tubercle bacilli in the body, so it is related to consumption, but is less malignant and more treatable.

The causes of scrofula mainly lie in poor heredity - tubercular or drunken parents at the time of conception, living conditions in childhood: malnutrition, poor housing without sun, etc.

The disease manifests itself mainly between the ages of 2 and 10 years, and at this time it must be treated, since later it will be very difficult to fight it, it easily turns into tuberculosis.

It is necessary, as far as possible, to give the child the best living conditions, and then take the following measures:

  1. Bath the child in salt water, putting half a pound of salt in a bucket of water, but if his body is covered with a rash, then instead of salt, put 2-3 pounds of pine needles or black currant or nettle leaves in the bath.

  2. Drink fish oil one tablespoon a day.

  3. Give iron iodide in syrup, 20-30 drops twice a day before meals in a spoon of water. After this, the child should rinse his mouth very well so that the teeth do not deteriorate from the iron.

  4. It is very useful to rub green soap into the child’s body, especially if the glands are damaged: 2-3 times a week, carefully rub one dessert or tablespoon of soap diluted with a little water, and after half an hour take a short warm bath, after which immediately pour room water over the child and wipe well. If soap causes irritation on the back, then move the rubbing to another place.

There are many simple folk and home remedies to combat scrofula. Knowing them, you can use those that are at hand or that are more convenient:

  1. Eat as much milk and strawberries as possible, especially wild strawberries.

  2. Drink coffee from acorns.

  3. Drink in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before bed, a cup of herbal infusion: wormwood, blackthorn and horsetail.

  4. Drink an infusion of centaury herb (field immortelle) twice a day, a tablespoon.

  5. Eat more nettles in all forms - boiled, nettle soup, etc.

  6. Drink a decoction of black currant leaves and buds.

  7. Drink a cup of carrot juice or turnip juice on an empty stomach.

  8. Drink an infusion of plantain leaves.

Vitamins A, B, C are very useful. Drink fish oil mainly unrefined.

Scrofula is an outdated synonym for inflammation of the lymph nodes. Scrofula was the name given to acute purulent lymphadenitis (mostly of the cervical group) and the accumulation of pus and mucus in the lymphoid tissue. Scrofula was considered a very dangerous disease, and not only from a medical point of view. This is due to the fear caused by swelling, pain, and even the very presence of a foreign body deep in the body. This disease sharply reduced work capacity and was considered contagious. Therefore, in the ancient manuscripts about the miracles of the holy youth Nicholas, one can find the following case, which describes how the patient was pierced with a phlegmonous tumor with a “nail” at the site of the swollen lymph nodes and left to recover without any outside help. After some time, drops of pus-colored fat began to appear on the navel. They began to extract them with a spoon and teeth, until these drops stopped being picked out and the entire umbilical opening became overgrown after the wound.