How We Hear Letters

While younger children are playing with license plates, you can use another activity to develop older children's ability to identify letters by ear. To do this, one of you names a word, and the other must name a word that begins with the last letter of the previous one. For example; elephant, rhinoceros, hyena, stork. Play in a circle counterclockwise. Invite children to name 5 words in 60 seconds or 10 words in 2 minutes. Then test yourself to see if you can do it faster.

Traveling somewhere Imagine that instead of going to work or shopping, you and your child are going somewhere. Decide where you'd like to go, what you'll need to take with you, and what you'll do there. Pack imaginary luggage for a trip somewhere and imagine what fun awaits you there. Together, come up with the details of the trip and what you will see there.

Travel Tip Sometimes you have to drive on a busy highway, which requires calm and full concentration of your attention. To occupy your child's time during this time, take an hourglass with you for 2-3 minutes. If the traffic is heavy or you are tired, give your child this watch and ask him to sit quietly while the sand pours down. If necessary, have him turn them over and wait until the sand is poured again.