Turkish saddle (Sella Turcica)

The sella Turkish, or Sella Turcica, is a depression in the body of the sphenoid bone of the skull, which serves as a container for the pituitary gland, an endocrine gland that produces growth hormones, sex hormones, thyroid hormones and others. It is located on the anterior surface of the sphenoid bone and has the shape of a crescent.

The sella turcica is one of the most important elements in the structure of the human skull and plays an important role in the formation of the skull and face. It contains the pituitary gland, which is responsible for regulating growth, metabolism and reproductive function.

In addition, the sella turcica plays an important role in the development of the brain and nervous system. It ensures the correct location of the pituitary gland and its connection with other brain structures.

In general, the sella Turkish is an important anatomical formation that plays a key role in the functioning of the human body.

The sella turcica is a depression in the body of the sphenoid bone of the skull, which serves as a container for the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland - the hormonally active part of the pituitary gland. The sella turcica is located in the front of the skull, under the base of the brain, and is surrounded by the bones of the skull - the frontal, sphenoid and temporal.

The sella turcica has the shape of a wedge that expands posteriorly. At the top of the sella turcica there is the pituitary gland, and at the bottom there is the pineal body (epiphysis). In the front part of the Turkish saddle there is a depression - the Turkish saddle.

The pituitary gland is an endocrine gland that releases hormones into the blood that regulate growth, development, metabolism and other processes in the body. It is located in the cavity of the sella turcica and is surrounded by its walls.

The pineal gland is another endocrine gland. It also secretes hormones that regulate metabolism, sleep and wakefulness, and other processes. The pineal body is located at the bottom of the sella turcica.

The Turkish saddle received its name due to the fact that it was first described in a person of Turkish origin who lived in the 15th century.

The sella Turkish is a depression in the sphenoid bone of the skull, which is located in its middle part, at the junction of the body and the large wing. It is an important anatomical formation that plays an important role in the formation of brain structures, as well as in the regulation of human hormonal levels.

The Turkish saddle consists of two parts: front and back. The anterior part is a recess in which the pituitary gland is located - an endocrine gland responsible for the production of growth hormones, sex hormones and hormones that regulate metabolism. The posterior part of the sella of Turkey is called the pituitary margin, which is the site of attachment of the pituitary gland to the sphenoid bone.

The functions of the sella of Turkey include maintaining the correct position of the pituitary gland in the skull, protecting it from mechanical damage and ensuring normal conditions for its functioning.

However, according to some data, sella turcica may be associated with the development of certain diseases, such as pituitary insufficiency or hypopituitarism. This is due to the fact that the pituitary gland can be displaced from its normal position in the sella Turkish and be subject to mechanical damage.

Overall, the sella Turcica is an important anatomical structure in the brain that plays an important role in regulating human hormonal balance and maintaining the normal functioning of the pituitary system. However, its incorrect location or damage can lead to the development of various diseases, so you need to monitor your health and consult a doctor if any symptoms associated with the Turkish saddle appear.