Seidlmeier Purple

Greetings to all readers! Today we will talk about **Seidlmeyer** **purple**.

Seidleimer **purple is an unusual condition caused by the effects of certain viruses on the human body**. This is a rare disease that usually occurs in children between the ages of one and five years.

Typically, **purpura** appears as lesions on the skin and mucous membranes of the neck, face, or arms. Small red spots appear on the skin, which over time take on a cone shape and may become larger in diameter compared to the initial shape. In some cases, they may fuse to form large cockade lesions. They may also

Zaidlmyer purpura is a condition that occurs in patients with infectious diseases and is characterized by the appearance of skin changes. The main cause of occurrence is impaired blood circulation in the capillaries of the skin, which can be caused by an infectious process or other factors.