Seminiferous Tubules Straight

The seminiferous tubules are sections of tubules that are located near the testicle. These are unique areas of tissue that function in the process of formation and maturation of sperm. Straight tubules represent the beginning of formations in which sperm transport channels are formed. They are found only in the genital organs of the male body. There are no seminiferous tubules in the female body, since all processes associated with the formation of ejaculate and egg occur in other areas of the pelvic organs. It is here that favorable conditions are created for the transport of sperm. If we talk about the direct seminal ducts, they are the end point of the development of the entire male body, the basis for which is the formation of ducts through which immature sperm production and the production of testosterone hormones should occur. That is, this is the beginning of all modern men. The erectile tissue of the testicles arises precisely in the straight or, as they are also called, prostatic tubules. Sperm accumulate in special cavities and are stored there until the formation of ejaculates - seminal fluid. The highest quality and hardiest sperm are stored longer than others. And healthy sperm move to the next zone - to the structures of the straight tubules. Although along the way there may also be traps in the form of external tissues - myoglomerular muscles. They participate in periodic contraction of structures, thereby contracting the surrounding seminal ducts. These tissues also help push out ejaculation by creating stagnation in the prostatic ducts.