Seminiferous tubules

The vas deferens are part of the reproductive system in men. They are tubes that are located inside the testicles and lead from the testicles to the urethra. These tubules are involved in the production and delivery of sperm to the site of their further maturation.

The vas deferens originates in the wall of the testicle in the form of a long semi-cylindrical or cylindrical canal 31-45 cm long. It passes through the entire body of the testicle and ends in the posterior part, where it becomes a rather narrow prostatic canal. The transition area between the tubule and the prostatic canal is a pronounced narrowing, reminiscent of an ampulla. The wall of the seminiferous tubule consists of three membranes or layers. At the border with the middle shell of the seminiferous tubules, i.e. at the junction of the seminiferous and muscular tubules there are Sertoli cells, which give a ciliating effect to all excretory cells. The inner layer of the testis and the inner layer of the prostate gland are composed of epithelium based on round epithelium. The inner layer of the seed, vas deferens or sebaceous canal is covered with a muscle layer, represented by a strong tendon structure originating from the contractile region of the testicular muscles.

Already outside the prostate gland, numerous changes occur, with which the male canal for the seed opens. The course of the cross-section of the testicular vesicle leads to the formation of 20-channel glands and the surrounding area