Sepsis Gonococcal

Gonic sepsis (Greek sepsis; sepsis - rotting, depravity; Greek logos - word, concept) is a dangerous, rapidly developing infectious inflammation that affects the blood, and not a separate system of the body. It is caused by various microorganisms and can be fatal. However, this condition can be controlled and even cured with proper treatment. In this article we will look at the gonococcal variety of sepsis (race sepsis). This type of infection is caused by gonococcus bacteria, which are found in the genitals. The source of infection is humans (both men and women), since gonococci are part of the natural flora of the genitourinary tract and can be present inside the urethra and rectum in all people. Transmission of infection occurs through contact with a sick person or through semen and urine. There is also a possibility of transmission of infection through sexual intercourse not protected by a condom and through blood transfusion (if the donor blood is contaminated).

Sepsis of gonococcal etiology is an infectious disease caused by the gonococcus - Neisseria gonorrhoeae, which is characterized by a wide range of infectious and inflammatory complications. Sepsis of gonococcal origin develops as a result of the penetration of gonococcus into the systemic bloodstream.