
A septic tank is a device that is used to treat wastewater from residential and commercial buildings. It consists of several chambers in which the biological treatment process takes place. In the first chamber, mechanical treatment of wastewater occurs, and in the second and third chambers, biological treatment occurs with the help of bacteria and microorganisms.

Septic tanks are widely used in country houses, dachas, cottage communities and other facilities where there is no centralized sewerage system. They can be either homemade or industrial.

For a septic tank to function, it must be cleaned regularly. You can do this yourself using special medications or call specialists. If cleaning is not carried out regularly, soil and groundwater contamination may occur, which can lead to negative consequences for the environment and human health.

It is also worth noting that septic tanks can be dangerous to animals and plants, so care must be taken to ensure that they do not enter the environment.

In general, septic tanks are an important element of modern infrastructure and provide comfortable living in country houses. However, in order for them to work effectively, they require regular cleaning and maintenance.

Article about septic tank

A septic tank is a system that is used to treat wastewater in homes and businesses. It is an important element of ecology and human health, as it helps reduce environmental pollution. In this article we will talk about what a septic tank is, how it works and what problems may arise when using it.

1. What is septi