Sequential Image

A consistent image is a visual sensation that persists for some time after the cessation of light stimulation on the eye. This phenomenon was first described in 1867 by French physicist Jean Baptiste Bouillon.

A consistent image can arise under various conditions, for example, when light is exposed to the retina of the eye, when the eyes move, when the brightness of light changes, etc. It is associated with the functioning of visual neurons in the brain that respond to changes in the environment.

One of the most famous examples of a sequential image is the Müller-Lyer effect, which occurs in the form of successive flashes of light that occur when the eye is closed after a bright light has been directed at it. This effect is used in medicine to diagnose various eye diseases.

Additionally, consistent imagery can be used in various fields such as design, advertising, medicine, etc. to create interesting effects and draw attention to a product or service.

Overall, sequential imagery is an interesting and important phenomenon in our lives, which is associated with the functioning of our senses and brain.

Sequential images are visual sensations that are stored in the visual cortex of the brain for several seconds or minutes after the end of the action of a light stimulus (photon) of a certain brightness on the retina. This allows the subject to use them, by analogy with a tape recorder, to “reproduce” these impressions. The invention of the English physicist and physiologist **Thomas Adrian** gave humanity the opportunity to understand the nature of many vivid manifestations of the human psyche, including hallucinations, visual, gustatory and auditory sensations. For which the physiologist received the honorary title of Doctor of Science for his experiments. He found confirmation that a long duration or depth of aftereffect can be artificially induced. What led to the emergence of the idea of ​​​​creating a new type of subjective thinking - **psychometry**. Psychologist Allan Preisers suggested that he test his hypothesis experimentally. To do this, Tom managed to create two light flashes (the aftereffect did not disappear), which followed each other during the period of visual inattention of the subject. And it turned out. The visual cortex is able to adequately encode it. Each visual impulse leaves behind an imprint.

The experiment proceeded as follows. Adarian placed a mirror on the drawer of an ordinary wardrobe, so that several of its faces created a pattern of horizontal lines. This pattern consisted of stripes about 2 mm wide. One by one, light from a special light bulb was shone on these faces. Its flash caused the expansion of visual receptors and cessation of work until the light beam fell on the next, not yet illuminated element, and the blinded cells of the visual cortex acquired the ability to perceive. When the reaction died down and the person stopped seeing the luminous lines, Tom irritated with another light the part of the optic tract where part of the initial flash was visible. After the sudden restoration of vision, there was a brief flash of new brightness. The blinding was not absolute, as the flash only caused a temporary blind spot. The man saw alternating areas of strongly and weakly illuminated tissue around him. In this area, luminous filaments were barely outlined, vaguely reminiscent of those that were located before the outbreak began. It seemed that a person was even able to trace the movement of an individual dark wave within the spot. Thus, creating a variable wave front, i.e. By changing the intensity of light, the frequency of flickering in explosive processes, you can cause different changes in visual sensations in different people and experiment with mental pictures.